Squirrels in my F150!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 107796
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I had a rat chew some wiring in my truck once. Saw how he was climbing tire into engine compartment on a trail cam. My son's car they chewed up spark plug wires when it sat for a week. A mechanic told me to cut up a bar of Irish Spring soap and put in engine compartment. It worked. Never had another problem. Don't live there anymore .
I had a rat chew some wiring in my truck once. Saw how he was climbing tire into engine compartment on a trail cam. My son's car they chewed up spark plug wires when it sat for a week. A mechanic told me to cut up a bar of Irish Spring soap and put in engine compartment. It worked. Never had another problem. Don't live there anymore .
My wife had trouble with mice in her car, so she put a bar of Irish Spring in one of the compartments... and the mice ate it 😂 not all of it but they were working on the one corner pretty good
Here is my F250 story. Went on vacation for a week. Came back to single digit cold. My truck has a remote start. Several try's with no start. Just slow cranking. I went out to put the charger on it and lifted the hood to find it full of pine cones. I mean full, right to the top of the hood. If the truck had started it would have almost certainly caught fire. It took me an hour and a step stool in the single digit weather to empty the pine cones.

No real damage but a bit of chewing on some insulation.
I had a customer that returned five times in about two years with wire harness to the transmission eaten. Rabbits would eat about 12" out of the harness. We finally wrapped the last harness in steel wool and aluminum foil. So far, so good.
Forgot to say mine was a Ford F250 and son's was a Ford Taurus.
I have a Taurus sitting at the shop. If you send a trailer over, you could use it as a decoy. then they will leave your rig alone.
I had a customer that returned five times in about two years with wire harness to the transmission eaten. Rabbits would eat about 12" out of the harness. We finally wrapped the last harness in steel wool and aluminum foil. So far, so good.

I have a Taurus sitting at the shop. If you send a trailer over, you could use it as a decoy. then they will leave your rig alone.
Lmao ! 😆 He doesn't have that car anymore and moved to Col. Springs. Works for Lockheed on Peterson Air Base. Loves it there compared to Ft. Irwin in Barstow, Ca. for General Dynamics. No more training Army on drone strikes though 😏 I still remember the sound it made when cranked it over . Wires shorted and smoked . I said what the f ! Lol. I became the rat hunter/trapper after they got my truck.
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