Got my squirrel rifle tuned up and ready.

Cheap walmart gamo .22 has piled up the bodies. Would love to use my Marlin .22WMR but law enforcement would likely disapprove, as I am an "in town" hunter. Bastards chewed all the straps off my gas caps(lawnmowers and gas cans). Vermin don't eat half the pecans off my tree, they eat half of every one. Out there all day rubbing their little nuts on my lawn. I don't eat them, but I don't eat rats either.
I do a little of that myself...Browning lever.. and a Remington custom shop bolt gun...I always use cci short hollow points and rarely have a squirrel get away
For a 22 it works, my Tikka T1X is as accurate but considerably louder by far being unsuppressed, a suppressed rifle gives an unfair advantage , but who said life was fair? Squirrels are my number 2 passion, coyotes first, only coyotes aren't as tasty, I wouldn't know.
Squirrel season isn't open here yet, got 6 more days to opening. I too have a Tikka T1X in .22 LR with a Vortex Crossfire 4 x 12 scope topping it. Haven't used it on squirrels yet but did have an opportunity to use it on Woodchucks for a Farmer friend of mine. 12 shots with CCI Stingers dispatched 12 woodchucks and so far has cured her woodchuck problem. When sighting the rifle in at 100 yards shot a 5 shot group of the Stingers in a half inch circle. Tikka's are fantastically accurate rifles in all calibers including center fire.
Cheap walmart gamo .22 has piled up the bodies. Would love to use my Marlin .22WMR but law enforcement would likely disapprove, as I am an "in town" hunter. Bastards chewed all the straps off my gas caps(lawnmowers and gas cans). Vermin don't eat half the pecans off my tree, they eat half of every one. Out there all day rubbing their little nuts on my lawn. I don't eat them, but I don't eat rats either.
I agree kill them all They wreck havoc on my mango, peach and avacodo
Cheap walmart gamo .22 has piled up the bodies. Would love to use my Marlin .22WMR but law enforcement would likely disapprove, as I am an "in town" hunter. Bastards chewed all the straps off my gas caps(lawnmowers and gas cans). Vermin don't eat half the pecans off my tree, they eat half of every one. Out there all day rubbing their little nuts on my lawn. I don't eat them, but I don't eat rats either.
If my Gamo is similar to yours (rated ~1250FPS) Then I'd 100% agree WRT piling up critters. Red tree rats are the destructive ones in these parts. As well as raccoon. To date that 35lb raccoon is the biggest kill with a 5.9gr pill. Got'em right between the blinkers; DRT. My best 20M rat killer. Fairly quiet too.
I am somewhat of a sarcastic lil bitch at times. If someone had said that to me I probably would have pulled the Kimber Micro 9 out of my Flash Bang bra holster and asked him how he knew? If I was at the beach at the time that same Micro 9 would have probably been pulled out of my beach bag with a similar retort. This is simply because a bikini top would not allow any concealment. Don't get me wrong, I don't dress like the Grandma that I am, I try to look good at all times which usually includes low cut tops and dresses that show cleavage. I do not mind men looking at me appreciatively and I don't mind nice comments. Simply don't touch unless specifically invited. Keep in mind that nice comments might get you somewhere where you might like to be while a crude one, lets just say, "Will Not!!"
All head shots as said before but my mother might disagree she liked brains made dad skin all out fried the same as the rest. 10-22 tactical with Gem tech . Sub sonic 40 gr. 5/8 group 50 yd.. Getting to be too many ticks early season. I wait till cooler. I could use my Marlin 17 HMR for long range 3/4 group 100 yds 20 gr HP , 3/8 group at 50. Afraid destroy too much meat if I miss head.
I'm not sure when I purchased it, but several years ago I purchased a Remington Model 581 22 from Carter's County in Pasadena, TX. It's topped with a Leupold Vari X III 2 x 7 scope. Very accurate rifle. I'm impressed with its accuracy every time i shoot it. It seems to like CCI Stingers. Only negative is the plastic clip.
Ive taken quite a few squirrels with it. Safe hunting to all you guys and gals out there!!
Currently I'm rebuilding an old Lee-metford 22k hornet. Was given to me by an old fella at our gun club.
this will be my Rabbit/Hare rifle.


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