Got my squirrel rifle tuned up and ready.

And another baby .i have to many to show my phone would run out of film


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Ruger 77/22 bolt action suppressed, 1 pound trigger by Volquartsen, Leupold 3x9 with adjustable objective.
Ammunition is Winchester subsonic 40 grain hollow point the ones MADE in Australia no longer available in states, I believe, hardest hitting subsonic I've ever seen.
I've had and used this rifle for 20 years and it's killed hundred of squirrels, and many other varmints extremely accurate.
This 4 shot group was shot at 50 yards benched solid with not a hint of wind, a squirrels worst nightmar
Sweet. I have a tricked out Marlin 795. Pic rail added with a Simmons AO scope and the trigger worked on. I've modified it to emulate the Appleseed version that Marlin made for their events. Also have on hand a case of the Appleseed targets. How times change: 69 years ago, in California, my uncle introduced me to shooting .22s at a range in the basement of the high school that my aunt taught history at.
Extreme Short Range Hunting


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I was raised a squirrel hunter we ate everything we shot I couldn't wait to get old enough to deer hunt and now I am right back where I started except the 5 my wife is feeding in the back yard but to me there is nothing like waiting for the sun to come up and seeing those squirrels coming down the side of a tree it takes me back to the good ole days
Squirrel hunting is my favorite thing to do as I have gotten older. Just put this back together after rust bluing. 581 action, Green Mountain barrel blank milled to octagon and turned round from end of forearm, chambered with a modified 52D match chamber, Savage Anschutz stock and reworked trigger. Really likes Fed Hunter Match and CCI mini mags but shoots most things really well.
I don't care what your carrying it's just great to get out in the woods this time of year.
This is great what you're all sharing there!
Good guns, good shooting, good food!
And good memories.


In my neck of the (urban) woods the squirrels are still just a curiosity, very rare, not a plague, so they get a pass.

Peru is still rather restrictive with what you can hunt anyhow....
Next month I'd like to try to go on an exploration trip in search of rabbits and viscachas.

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