I'm currently researching the same thing in CO for myself and my friends for 2008 season.
Some questions or info you may need from wildlife resources.
Kill percentage rates by zone and by season for bull/cows
Look at the number of recreation days per zone and compare to number of hunters this tells you what areas are being hunted most, if this concerns you.
Trespass hunt outfitters
BLM land vs National Park land vs Private Land
Private Land with access to BLM or National Park.
Being a numbers guy, I downloaded most of this data, spreadsheeted it. I can sort it by season (1st and 4th are by draw, whereas 2nd and 3rd are OTC licenses for Bulls). Sort by number of hunters, numbers of elk taken, percentage of successfule hunters, etc etc etc. I can sort by percentage of success, overall or by Bull only.
Got me a highlighted map, by season, of where the most number of elk were taken, and where the best percentage chance is by season.
Than we started looking for hunts in those areas. Got an email directory full of that stuff right now, that I am continually updating, adding or removing info.
Maybe someday, we'll get to go hunting :-(