Caliber Suggestions...have at it

I own the Savage LRH in 6.5x284. Also own a Cooper in the same caliber. Both rifles are remarkably accurate with the ballistics to handle targets and game out to1000 yards. For what you describe, hunting from 500-1000 yards etc. the 6.5x284 will out perform the Creedmore in all aspects. If you set your game limit at 700 yards, the Creedmore will do OK. To effectively kill game at 1000 yards with any caliber your barrel life will be lessened, but no worse and perhaps better with the 6.5x284 than the belted,and short magnums. The light recoil of the 6.5x284 is an added advantage compared to the heavy magnums. I believe the 6.5x284 is well worth consideration. below is a 500 yard group shot with my Savage LRH. IMHO.


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You can always just buy a cheapo donor savage action, buy a prefit barrel and a SSS oversize lug put in a rifle basix trigger, and call up kevin rayhill of stockade stocks and end up having a rifle that can out shoot you for about 1200 bucks. out of the calibers listed though if you want to hit elk out to anywhere from 600-1000yds i'd suggest the 6.5 284 as a minimum. The 300wm would be better suited for this though. just my .02
Hate to kill this thread, but I also hate to waste your time!

I know the OP personally and he has decided to go 6.5creedmoor. Thanks for all of your help and suggestions if he doesnt get to get back on here and say so! He is dead set on a savage.. he is stuck between the 111 and 110..but like I said... Id hate to waste your time any further. If he isnt going to kill the thread, I will! Thanks guys!
First off I'm going to buy this gun in the near future
Savage Arms

I will be using this gun for a little bit of everything from shooting some steel out to 500-1000 yards (I hope) and hunting deer, coyotes, maybe an elk or sheep one day who knows. I just want a good long range caliber that I can do a little bit of everything with

now my question is what caliber do you guys recommend? I know everybody has their favorites but so far I am really leaning toward the 6.5 Creedmoor. I don't like the 6.5x284 cause of barrel life and a few other reasons. that being said what do you guys have to say about it??? I love the gun so don't lecture me on savage or tell me to go get a Remington 700. I have nothing against remmy's there great guns but I really like this Long Range Hunter. Now you guys got my input so have at it....
Between the two I'd go for the 6.5x284 hands down.
I guess I wasnt clear and I really thought I would be avoiding this but this is NOT a thread about which gun to get, its about caliber. you offered a caliber that the gun that I AM BUYING isn't offered in. I'm buying a savage end of story. I like savage and I don't want a remmington. I have remington's they are great guns. I also have a few savages and I like them too. I'm Buying the gun that I attached in my original post. now again for my question what Caliber (that is offered in the gun that I attached) would you recommend for what I'm going to be doing with it.

I really hate asking a question like this and getting people trying to change my mind I know what gun I want now if you have advise offer it but don't try changing my mind about somthing I didn't ask about. Thanks

and I'm not using the action I'm buying the gun and using it as is
If you are buying a long action savage it can be barreled in any caliber. You can for example buy a 7mm Rem Mag and simply have it re-chambered to 7mm STW.

For the purposes you list it's certainly superior to both of the 6.5's you list as is the 7mm Rem.
Ok well apologies to you just don't want to get into certain disscussions like what gun is better or those kind of things
Lets do this what caliber for what I'm looking to do is best?:
7mm mag
300 win mag
300 rum
6.5 creedmoor
.300 Rum, .300wm, 7mm Rem mag, 6.5x284, 6.5 creedmore, 25-06 in that order with the 300wm and 7mm mag being the best overall but the Rum will get it done a good bit futher.
Hate to kill this thread, but I also hate to waste your time!

I know the OP personally and he has decided to go 6.5creedmoor. Thanks for all of your help and suggestions if he doesnt get to get back on here and say so! He is dead set on a savage.. he is stuck between the 111 and 110..but like I said... Id hate to waste your time any further. If he isnt going to kill the thread, I will! Thanks guys!

Isn't going to kill the thread. It was extremely obvious from his first couple of posts OP was going Savage in 6.5 Creedmoor. His mind was made up before he started this thread, IMO. Consequently, I don't know why OP even started the thread but he had his reasons, I'm sure. Didn't stop the discussion from reaching several pages, though, LOL.
Isn't going to kill the thread. It was extremely obvious from his first couple of posts OP was going Savage in 6.5 Creedmoor. His mind was made up before he started this thread, IMO. Consequently, I don't know why OP even started the thread but he had his reasons, I'm sure. Didn't stop the discussion from reaching several pages, though, LOL.

Ha yeah...I think he just wanted to hear someone elses logic before going all in. We all have our different opinions on the "BEST" caliber. But I think he had his mind made up a while ago. I think he was looking for "DO NOT! I REPEAT DO NOT GET THE CREEDMOOR, IT HAS RAPED MANY WOMEN FOR CENTURIES AND IT EATS CHILDREN!" pretty much what people told me when choosing between the .300wsm and .300win...I didnt care.. I wanted the .300wsm. Does it offer all of the perks of the Win.. no. Did I care.. no..:cool:
Ha yeah...I think he just wanted to hear someone elses logic before going all in. We all have our different opinions on the "BEST" caliber. But I think he had his mind made up a while ago. I think he was looking for "DO NOT! I REPEAT DO NOT GET THE CREEDMOOR, IT HAS RAPED MANY WOMEN FOR CENTURIES AND IT EATS CHILDREN!" pretty much what people told me when choosing between the .300wsm and .300win...I didnt care.. I wanted the .300wsm. Does it offer all of the perks of the Win.. no. Did I care.. no..:cool:

Man...those Savages are Uggggly, IMO, but I've heard nothing but good stuff about how they shoot. I'd take an ugly gun that shoots straight over a pretty one that shoots crooked any day.

I've also heard the 6.5mm Creedmoor is an inherently accurate cartridge as well. The performance lags behind other 6.5mm cartridges but to each his own. I don't believe the Creedmoor is going to die away as it seems to be doing quite well. It seems there are more factory rifles chambered for it then the 260 Remmy.

How about hindsight on your 300 WSM? You happy you went that direction?
Isn't going to kill the thread. It was extremely obvious from his first couple of posts OP was going Savage in 6.5 Creedmoor. His mind was made up before he started this thread, IMO. Consequently, I don't know why OP even started the thread but he had his reasons, I'm sure. Didn't stop the discussion from reaching several pages, though, LOL.

Threads like this suck you in, but end up being a waste of energy and time.
QUOTE: Man...those Savages are Uggggly, IMO, but I've heard nothing but good stuff about how they shoot.


Try restocking one. Do it well, and there is nothing "Uggggly" about them.
Man...those Savages are Uggggly, IMO, but I've heard nothing but good stuff about how they shoot. I'd take an ugly gun that shoots straight over a pretty one that shoots crooked any day.

I've also heard the 6.5mm Creedmoor is an inherently accurate cartridge as well. The performance lags behind other 6.5mm cartridges but to each his own. I don't believe the Creedmoor is going to die away as it seems to be doing quite well. It seems there are more factory rifles chambered for it then the 260 Remmy.

How about hindsight on your 300 WSM? You happy you went that direction?

Bob, Ill be honest with you. Ive made better choices...But i love the .300wsm cartridge. I love the idea behind it along with its performance.. What I am kinda regretting is my firearm selection. I chose to go with a browning X-bolt because I wanted a VERY light, short barreled, high powered rifle! In a sense it is exactly what I wanted. I bought this about 2 years ago and while it shoots decent Id like it to shoot a tad better. Problem is.. NO UPGRADES! No stocks, no triggers, (got the sporter barrel so NO muzzlebrake (TOO THIN)), and I thought the X-bolt was pretty cool at the time.. but the "4hole per base" "X-style" mounts are crap and they limit your selection on bases/mounts because they must have 4 holes in each mount. The duratouch is a nice touch but found it ultimately useless. The magazine is a very nice design and very tough but I hindered myself by going with a SHORT ACTION with a SHORT MAG. Now I can only load my .300wsms to about 2.8" which is about .3" shorter than what I would like. That doesnt sound like alot, but with the bigger bullets I would have liked a little more seating room!! The short barrel pencil (23") also hindered me when it came to velocity and the amount of time it takes for my barrel to heat up. I wanted a brush gun at the time... because I hunt here in VA where there are VERY little places to shoot over 300yds..

Welp... a year later I found a FEW places to shoot over 800yds and now I am kicking myself for getting a factory gun with such a short barrel and light weight. Everyone on here tried to persuade me to start a custom build and forget the factory all together.. Now...years down the road.. thats exactly what I am doing. I am going with a HOWA LA (I hear they are a tad shorter than some of the other long actions so the WSM are almost perfect for the Howa long actions) to start my first custom/semi custom build. Pretty soon you will be seeing a Browning X-bolt in the classifieds here and IT IS IN PERFECT CONDITION. Not a scratch, no rust, I clean after EVERY hunt (never target shoot with it, only hunt) LESS than 100rds down the tube and i would want LESS than 600 for it.. I paid 860 for it and would probably take 550 for it just to pay for a barrel for my howa action.

This post has gone WAYYY to long and I am sorry for all the length.. but needed to vent that to someone! lol
OP if you want to hunt elk or moose you'll need to go with the 7mm min with some preference given to the 300 Win. 338 Lap would be even better, but I understand your cost constraints with that round.
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