Christensen Arms Mesa 6.5prc range day 2 review

I guess I should have sent it back....happy for you though
I think it can happen with any rifle. I handled a proof elevation with the bighorn action and the bolt was really sloppy. Bighorn and proof have great reputations.
My bolt does not rattle at all. Very similar to my "real" remington action.
MTGeezer here and I've had the very same rifle for most of the year and ,I, too like it very much. Have you done any hand loading for it yet? I ask because I've had problems with it showing pressure signs long before getting near max loads. The best I've been able to get with the 143ELD-X is about .7MOA at 100 yards with 3040FPS, Gunwerks brass (I'm told it's ADG with the Gunwerks headstamp,) using Fed.LR Mag Match primers and an OACL of 2.968 inches. I've had to try several powders before finally getting my hands on a pound of RL26 and finally settled on a load yielding the above results and was forced to use the remainder of the only pound of 26 I've been able to get my hands on in over a year and a half. I have the Z5 3-18 scope on it and don't even have enough loads to even dial in the 3 colored rings. Sorry for the long winded rant but am seeking input from others using and hand loading the CA Mesa in 6.5 prc. Any help regarding the early pressure signs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to you all for sharing all the great knowledge you have!
MTGeezer here and I've had the very same rifle for most of the year and ,I, too like it very much. Have you done any hand loading for it yet? I ask because I've had problems with it showing pressure signs long before getting near max loads. The best I've been able to get with the 143ELD-X is about .7MOA at 100 yards with 3040FPS, Gunwerks brass (I'm told it's ADG with the Gunwerks headstamp,) using Fed.LR Mag Match primers and an OACL of 2.968 inches. I've had to try several powders before finally getting my hands on a pound of RL26 and finally settled on a load yielding the above results and was forced to use the remainder of the only pound of 26 I've been able to get my hands on in over a year and a half. I have the Z5 3-18 scope on it and don't even have enough loads to even dial in the 3 colored rings. Sorry for the long winded rant but am seeking input from others using and hand loading the CA Mesa in 6.5 prc. Any help regarding the early pressure signs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to you all for sharing all the great knowledge you have!
I have not done any hand loading for it yet due to warranty. You break the warranty once you hand load so I was going to wait until I have about 150 rounds down the tube to make sure nothing crazy ends up happening. Then I will mess with reloads. Honestly, the factory Hornady ELD-x are consistently shooting .5MOA 3-5 shot groups so I may never reload for it if this ammo keeps shooting this well. I only hunt out to 400 yards at the moment and I have the very rare occasion to shoot further at my buddies but I rarely go there so the accuracy im getting is perfectly fine for now.
I have not done any hand loading for it yet due to warranty. You break the warranty once you hand load so I was going to wait until I have about 150 rounds down the tube to make sure nothing crazy ends up happening. Then I will mess with reloads. Honestly, the factory Hornady ELD-x are consistently shooting .5MOA 3-5 shot groups so I may never reload for it if this ammo keeps shooting this well. I only hunt out to 400 yards at the moment and I have the very rare occasion to shoot further at my buddies but I rarely go there so the accuracy im getting is perfectly fine for now.
Ok, thank you. I, too, get better results with factory loads in this rifle. If I didn't like to load and shoot so much, I'd probably actually save money but where's the fun in that! As a side note on the hand loads, I pressured out 1.8 grains below the lawyer load max in the Gunwerks brass which weighed the same as 1x fired Hornady brass so still looking for input on this rifle and cartridge. Happy and safe hunting and shooting!
I think it can happen with any rifle. I handled a proof elevation with the bighorn action and the bolt was really sloppy. Bighorn and proof have great reputations.

How many Bighorn actions have you played with? All Bighorns are "sloppy" as you call it due to the floating bolt head. This feature is actually one of the best features of the action because it allows the cartridge and bolt head to stay square to the action when the bolt is closed and the trigger is pushing up on the cocking piece. Most clones will tilt the bolt and cartridge down. This is the reason Borden actions use "Borden bumps". Bighorn actually has one of the best/most consistent tolerances in the industry.

I have had great "luck" with CA rifles. I have had 5 and everyone shot great. I have number 6 on the way.
How many Bighorn actions have you played with? All Bighorns are "sloppy" as you call it due to the floating bolt head. This feature is actually one of the best features of the action because it allows the cartridge and bolt head to stay square to the action when the bolt is closed and the trigger is pushing up on the cocking piece. Most clones will tilt the bolt and cartridge down. This is the reason Borden actions use "Borden bumps". Bighorn actually has one of the best/most consistent tolerances in the industry.

I have had great "luck" with CA rifles. I have had 5 and everyone shot great. I have number 6 on the way.
That is the only one. I am not saying they aren't good I just didn't like the feel. Personal preference.
That is the only one. I am not saying they aren't good I just didn't like the feel. Personal preference.
Yeah I 100 percent get the personal preference if you're going to spend that much money on an action you might as well get one that you like. I will say that most if not all floating bolt head actions are going to feel similar
I just finished loading for a 7mm SAUM with ADG brass and RL26 - use the standard primers - Federal 210m or CCI200. Do not need magnum primers in the 6.5 PRC or SAUM, per my personal experience and others on here.

I was getting pressure very early and flattened primers with the magnum primers; switched over and problem solved - along with a very tight ES and SD.

Hope this helps!
MTGeezer here and I've had the very same rifle for most of the year and ,I, too like it very much. Have you done any hand loading for it yet? I ask because I've had problems with it showing pressure signs long before getting near max loads. The best I've been able to get with the 143ELD-X is about .7MOA at 100 yards with 3040FPS, Gunwerks brass (I'm told it's ADG with the Gunwerks headstamp,) using Fed.LR Mag Match primers and an OACL of 2.968 inches. I've had to try several powders before finally getting my hands on a pound of RL26 and finally settled on a load yielding the above results and was forced to use the remainder of the only pound of 26 I've been able to get my hands on in over a year and a half. I have the Z5 3-18 scope on it and don't even have enough loads to even dial in the 3 colored rings. Sorry for the long winded rant but am seeking input from others using and hand loading the CA Mesa in 6.5 prc. Any help regarding the early pressure signs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to you all for sharing all the great knowledge you have!
I just finished loading for a 7mm SAUM with ADG brass and RL26 - use the standard primers - Federal 210m or CCI200. Do not need magnum primers in the 6.5 PRC or SAUM, per my personal experience and others on here.

I was getting pressure very early and flattened primers with the magnum primers; switched over and problem solved - along with a very tight ES and SD.

Hope this helps!
cb4128: Thanks for the suggestion! Will give that a try after this hunting season. Wonder if that would work in my 7 Rem. Mag. Have the same problem loading for my Bergara. Think I'll try it there, too. Thanks again!
I'm glad our Mesa is working well for you. I bought the Ridgeline in 6.5 PRC right before you bought yours. I am getting .75 MOA with Hornady Precision Hunter ammo. Had 3 weeks to get it ready for a Coues hunt last week and I bagged a nice 6 point. (8 point for us Easterners)
Other than a few small picky things, everyone I talk to that owns a Christensen is happy with it. I would also recommend one of their rifles. Good luck with yours!
I bought a CA Ridgeline in 6.5 PRC a couple months ago. I'm very happy with it also. I changed the radial brake to one of their titainium side port brakes. Have shot 2 doe antelope , a buck deer in Wy. and a buck deer in N.M. with it so far.
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