Christensen Arms Mesa 6.5prc range day 2 review

I've been really interested in the Mesa for a lightweight, long range hunting rifle. Just wondering, what's the difference between the Mesa and Ridgeline and is it worth the price difference?
My CA Mesa 6.5 PRC is shooting under 1/2" with 57 grains of H1000, virgin ADG brass, F210M primers and a 156 berger loaded to 2.975 coal which is approx .090 off. I only have 30 rounds down it so it will likely speed up, its at 2820 now.
My mag box is 3.060. It's bigger than a wyatts box my buddy has on his custom 6.5PRC and also the corners are more square.
My CA Mesa 6.5 PRC is shooting under 1/2" with 57 grains of H1000, virgin ADG brass, F210M primers and a 156 berger loaded to 2.975 coal which is approx .090 off. I only have 30 rounds down it so it will likely speed up, its at 2820 now.

what elevation are you at?
Did you try the 215Ms?
I'm at 1500 and don't know if 2820 would stabilize the 156s.
Here's the difference to me, the Mesa feels lighter and more nimble even though they weigh the same. The bigger heavier break at the end of the ridgeline may be what gives it that feel. I like the Mesa for a hunting rifle. Wish it would come in 280ai. Basically a better quality 700 mountain rifle!
What is the mag length on the Mesa 6.5 PRC anyway?

I see references to 2.84 and even 3.05"

What is the real dimension?
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