Christensen Arms Mesa 6.5prc range day 2 review

I bought a CA Ridgeline in 6.5 PRC a couple months ago. I'm very happy with it also. I changed the radial brake to one of their titainium side port brakes. Have shot 2 doe antelope , a buck deer in Wy. and a buck deer in N.M. with it so far.

How do you like their side port brake? I was thinking of using one from Ryan Pierce or the new Little Bastard gen3 with the top ports also.
CA side port brake has 4 ports on top also with Allen screws. Researched and 2 and 4 from shooter worked best. I like it. Recoil and muzzle lift less than radial brake it came with.
I have been looking at the mesa 6.5 PRC for my next rifle. Think I read somewhere there was a first & second generation of this rifle (different trigger maybe?). If true what is the differences & how to tell if I have the newest model. Also what is the max. coal that will feed through the mag Thanks.
I have been looking at the mesa 6.5 PRC for my next rifle. Think I read somewhere there was a first & second generation of this rifle (different trigger maybe?). If true what is the differences & how to tell if I have the newest model. Also what is the max. coal that will feed through the mag Thanks.
Mine came with a triggertech trigger. I think there really is not much difference between the two gens though. Both were supposedly equally good. As for max coal I cant help to much other than to say the factory loaded Hornady edlx143 tip comes very close to hitting the front of my magazine box so if you can find out w long those cartidges would be very close to the max COAL of the mag box. I wouldn't bother going longer than that to be honest. This is not ideal for someone who wants to reload long bullets but then again that kind of defeats the whole point of the rifle being a small action. If you want to seat long bullets out far then you should build on a long action. But if you are building on a long action why wouldn't you just do something else entirely. I simply wanted a sub 1 MOA rifle which would be good out to 400 yards so I was not concerned about seating super long bullets out very far in the rifle. I knew I would be shooting 140 grain bullets or less. I wanted a light-ish weight rifle, with a muzzle break from the factory, in stainless or cerocote finish, nice trigger and a decent stock from the factory in the 1000$ price range which this rifle ticked all those boxes. Just my two cents though.
I'm glad our Mesa is working well for you. I bought the Ridgeline in 6.5 PRC right before you bought yours. I am getting .75 MOA with Hornady Precision Hunter ammo. Had 3 weeks to get it ready for a Coues hunt last week and I bagged a nice 6 point. (8 point for us Easterners)
Other than a few small picky things, everyone I talk to that owns a Christensen is happy with it. I would also recommend one of their rifles. Good luck with yours!
I have the same rifle as you. Love it.
Have the Traverse in 280ai. Absolutely love everything about mine. Trigger consistency at 3lb is great. Rifle tracks straight back with the side port break and top set screws 2 and 4 removed. Easily shoots sub MOA with handloads. Usually 1/2 MOA if I do my part.
I have one that I have shot to 1000 with great results it is a sub gun with 143 ELD-X and 55 gr of H4831SC like everything about it plan on purchasing another in 300 wsm and may try 6.5 Creedmoor great rifle for the money lots of features
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