Big Island Spanish Goat and Hog

Pay hunt or public?
I paid a daily $275 tress pass fee that allowed an axis buck and two does. the ranch manager at the time told me as I was exiting his office that if I came across a mouflon on the property, I could take it. I hunted all morning and never found the buck that I wanted to take and towards the end of our morning hunt as I was on the way to our vehicle, I jumped the mouflon ram. I got the sticks out and said to myself that if he stopped and looked back, I was gonna pull the trigger. Well at about 125 yds out he did stop and he dropped at the shot. I deboned the animal out and headed to the office to check back in. Alex, the then game manager asked what I had in the bag and I showed him the mouflon ram head. After a quick measurement, one horn was 33 1/2" and the other 32 1/2". He said it was one of the biggest he had measured in about 10 years. After getting the head to my taxidermist, he simply swapped the horns with another mounted mouflon ram head that I had taken about ten years earlier. These hunts are no longer available on that island.

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