Beware the budget rifle that can smoke you on the range

So here a quetion for the guys that load bullets. I am confused or need to get edmucated. I dont load my own bullets but have a great friend that does and has been doing it for 30 yrs . I bought a brand ne savage 7 rem mag 116fhsak all the bells and whistles(accutrigger, free floated barrell, and aluminium beeded accustock) We worked up some loads on Berger vld bullets using Lapua brass 2x fired, seating dept 3.95, 71 grains retumbo, Fed 215 primers with no signs of pressure. At 100yds i got group of 1/2 inch .5moa for a factory gun i was very happy. so nice lets try this baby farther. Same loads but bigger groups at 300 yds 3.2in group 1.1moa, 400 yds 4 inch group 1 moa, 500 4.6 inch group .9moa so what happened to my .5 moa group at 100? Thats what confused me . So try different loads and start at 200 or 300 yds to see where the groups land at? Or play with moving up and down by 2 grains to see what happens if there is better improvment? Do some load tunning like using the Audette Ladder test ?
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so what happened to my .5 moa group at 100?

How many shots in that 0.5" group? Did you shoot a number of 0.5" groups, or just one? Lots of rifles will shoot an occasional 1/2" group at 100 yards. Fewer will be able to do it every time.
Great post Big MO. Right up my college student budget alley. Very practical and reasonable post. I also agree with your optics suggestions. Ive never felt the need for a 50+mm obj lens. I own a weatherby vanguard and a savage 10 both very accurate. And ive got a savage 10fp on the way.
Lets go 1 step farther. Beware of the guy who cant shoot will kill a monster buck. I got a real laugh last fall before our rifle season at the local shooting range. Im sitting there with 3- 1/2 moa guns playing with loads. I thought what was 2 clowns drive up with a 270 not sure of brand 2 sight in. They actually sat there and shot one complete box of factory ammo sighting this gun in at 50 yards and it was still off. A buddy of mine was there and knew the guy told me after season that the guy shot a 19" 10 point the first morning of our rifle season. Guess the joke was on me than.
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