We have a new shooter on our provincial fourm.
He's not going to buy used since he dosen't know what to look for,,, so one of our fellow shooters has offered up his rifles for the young fellow to go out and shoot at his private range... This is where things will take off for this new comer.
He dosen't have to buy a rifle off this shooter,,, but he's offering a few fully dialed in units with optics for $850 to $900 Cnd funds,,, about $650 ish and change in Usd cash.
The benefits for the new fellow is a chance to try a swack of different units,,, and see how to set up off the bench or prone off the bypods... He's lucky to have a competitive shooters show him the ropes right off the batt...
Something he will remember for his shooting adventures,,, he'll get a chance to shoot frugal units,,, mid priced and the upper quality rifles,,, all of us know that the pricey units are the go to units,,, that's not saying that a frugal unit wouldn't work either,,, the task for him is finding one that fits,,, and doesn't blow him out of his socks if he decided to plink with it at the range.
6.5 something,,, 7mm-08,,, 308,,, 30/06,,, 270 and the others in the middle mix...
Koodoos to our fellow shooter friend to help get him up to speed,,, I offer this same thing at our range,,, nothing like reviving pointers for those in need or enjoy learning something new that improves their odds.
Ha,,,.after reading this thread I took it apon my self to put a drop shot on a wolf at 92 MOA,,, the boolit landed 4 ft-low at the 1435 meter mark. LOL.
Funny how 100 meters makes it possible to miss,,, like my team leader said,,, """ hopefully I miss alot of long shoot targets,,, that way I'm given the option to learn what not to do.""" Ha
I call it schooling my self before the F Class stuff gets underway.
I hope I'm in the line up of those that struggle like my self... That way we don't have to explain the brain farts when our boolitz miss the 6 ft target down range. LOL