Best piece of reloading of equipment u have

If u do it right the first time u don't need to pull bullets! Lol
Not necessarily for own depth adjustment screwups, but I used to pull bullets from mystery ammo I'd find at the range, and ammo that was given to me when I worked at the machine-gun range ammo plant. Any sort of screwed up ammo was normally tossed in the trash, and one man's trash became another man's treasure, when I would save it all in a big bin, and bring it home, and then on the weekends I'd watch TV and deconstruct the ammo, chunk the crappy FMJ bullets in the trash, dump the mystery powder in a bin (for proper destruction later), and pop out the incorrectly seated, crushed, or upside down primers, and salvage the good Lake City 5.56, .300 BLK, and 7.62x51 brass to use for my own guns. I know some might say, "Why do all that when that stuff is cheap..." Well, the short-answer to that is, because FREE is even cheaper and when you're getting a 100+ a day, it makes it worth it. ;)
Fx120i with autotrickler
Giraud case trimmer
AMP annealer
Larry Willis digital headspace gauge
Soon to test out my new 21st century powered neck turning lathe
Lyman bore scope

I don't want to add up all the $ invested but those things allow me to spend less time reloading while also letting me feel that things are repeatable and consistent.

DITTO! And add 4 Dillon 1050's for loading large volume for Varmit hunting and competition (9mm, 38 Supercomp, 45 ACP, 308, 223, 40)
Us dedicated reloaders that have been reloading for a good many years have been through some equipment, or atleast I have. Things that work, things that don't and if u are like me u have wasted plenty of money experimenting finding that perfect process. If u look at all the equipment u currently have or have had what is the best piece of equipment that has really improved the quality and accuracy of your reloads? Pay attention new guys that are starting out maybe u can save yourself some money!
I've just recently had that sick feeling you get when you think you've wasted money and every time you use it there's no confidence. That's how I feel about buying a Hornady lock and load press. Way to many moving parts with the bushings. I really need a simple press I can feel good about, any recommendations?
1.RCBS turret press
2. Redding precision dies (6.5 CM) Neil Jones precision dies (.300 Win mag)
3. Wilson/Sinclair micrometer precision case trimming set
4. OHAUS beam balance (yes, they still exist)

Eric B.
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