I think you're the one "picking nits" now. I read MC's posts as well as your quote of his post and I don't interpret MC to have stated bullet manufacturer's don't test their bullets.
You go on to question whether he's asked Nosler to provide data to support their advertising claims. If you want to refute his statements, it seems like you should contact Nosler.
This thread is a classic example of how people can argue about anything if they feel strongly enough about the products they purchase and use.
I agree that bullet manufacturers have commonly misrepresented their products over the years in their advertising in the effort to increase sales. They pretty much had to in order to remain competitive with the superlatives the rest of the manufacturers were using to advertise their products. They could, and would, claim anything they wanted to in days gone by, before the internet allowed end product users to express their experiences and criticism. What allows a company to publish false and misleading information without any repercussions is the lack of accountability. If a company designs and builds a bridge to meet standard traffic loads and use, and the bridge collapses under normal loads and use, the company is held accountable. When bullet manufacturers design, build, and market bullets, they claim many things, and historically they've laid it on pretty heavy in order to maximize bullet sales and profits. There's little accountability. So much so that over the years, many hunters haven't expected anything better than misrepresentation - certainly with respect to advertised BCs. Why people throw fits and temper tantrums on this Forum when a member using a bullet expresses his experience and disappointed opinion about bullet performance is beyond me. If a member shoots an animal and claims bullet failure, there's commonly been an outcry the equivalent of blasphemy. Those are the threads I want to read. I can judge for myself, based on the evidence provided, how much credibility to give to the member's experience, Post, and opinion. Attacks against the authors of those Posts and Threads don't serve me in any way. And in my opinion they largely serve only the loyalties and egos of the attackers.
I equate the critical review of bullets on public forums to be the equivalent of accountability. Bullet manufacturers should expect it, rather than being surprised or dismayed by it. Only after they become conditioned to expect these bullet use "show and tell" experiences and the accountability that they foster, will there be sufficient motivation to provide more accurate descriptive advertising for the product they manufacture and sell.
Michael Courtney's completed and participated in a lot of bullet testing in the past several years. His testing is more scientific than "I have yet to have Accubonds fail to expand at any range I've shot game using them but admittedly I've not tested them at range with ballistic gel. I measure a bullets effectiveness by how it performs on game." Well that's great to the extent that it works for you. And you shouldn't be attacked for having made that statement. I take it for what its worth.
However what about others that don't shoot and/or hunt as much as you in order to have personally learned what you've learned thru repetitive field use? They may appreciate the Michael Courtney testing and reporting. Scientific testing and reporting is time consuming. It yields data of high confidence. Others can repeat the tests and expect the same test results. The ultimate value is that it creates accountability. I've read some of his reports and I appreciate the accountability they help bring to manufacturers of the products I purchase.