I see that a lot. For some folks the bright green pops and pink (red spectrum) disappears. Sporting clays is certainly an eye game and if you set targets long enough you'll learn about the eyes.Bright green is actually more visible to me than red but that's on bow sight pins.
Sold a pair of Zeiss Victory RF Binos for Leicas because of the display color's visibility also.
Im not very good at repairing multi-wire harnesses as you can imagine
Another big problem we deal with is "strobing". In wooded environments we get areas of sunlight and shadow. Targets passing from one to another just disappear or become very hard to pick up. The eye can't react fast enough.
I don't see well in low light anymore. A result of welding and using a cutting torch quite a lot. I blood trail better with whiter light.
Ive also learned that my eyes may work much better with scope brand A's eyebox and lenses than scope brand B. Even though both are very high quality. I see well with Zeiss or most Nightforce optics. Same with flounder gigging. They pop in certain light spectrums. Whiter for me. Yet fade out in more yellow tints.