7mm STW Brotherhood - For those who shoot the 7mm Shooting Times Westerner

I definitely want my first 2 bullets touching or in the same hole from a cold bore. Once you achieve this with a load, my point, is that those are the important shots hunting. Typically it seems heavier barrels heat up slower so that's my only real point. It depends on how much weight you want to tote.

I have a gun, 1909 Argentine sporter that is an effective hunting gun until the barrel gets hot, then it rises and shoots high right? My guess is that the weight and barrel thinness effect the long strings. But once it cools off it returns to the original accuracy for 2 and typically 3 before it wanders a bit. But I can't justify selling it because it is so light and whitetail here can be be close, 25-150 yards as you go to the next ambush spot.

My heavy barrel #5 Broughton doesn't do that, but it's hell to lug around.

That's all really.

Be safe...
I believe the #5 Broughton is where I'm going with this STW after hunting season. A few friends have them and love them.
Hopefully I'm not the only one learning here ...

I see brass on my bolt and what appears to be pretty even wear on the lugs. The bolted lifted fine on all shots this last session. Are the filings from the extractor?

Nope, that brass is either from tight chambering of a round, or tight extraction. One or the other. How are your primer pockets, tight? That brass is typical when the bolt face " grinds " against the base of the brass when it is dammed open or closed. Usually there is a couple a thousandths clearance. If there is not, you will get that. Also, the face of the bolt COULD be on the rough side, and that will cause the same. So, you either have tour sizer die TOO high, which is not allowing the belt on the case to fully engage into the recess, or you have high pressure. If your sizer die is not adjusted down enough, that WILL shoot pressures , and also grind against the bolt when you close the bolt. Adjusting resizer dies on belted mags can be a slippery slope. If you get it wrong, it will tell you. You just got told!!!! Clean off that brass with a bore brush, and spray it with brake cleaner, or something. Chamber a few fired , and unfired brass. Keep checking that bolt face. If you see it, with unfired brass, your dies are wrong. If you see it with fired brass, your pressures are too high.
I picked up a Remington 700 Sendero, 7 STW last year from another LRH forum member. I got interested in the caliber after shooting my brother-in-law's Ruger #1, STW.

My rifle really likes 140 grain Accubonds, loaded with 76.5 grains of H4832 which are running at 3,183.

My rifle still has the factory barrel. I've been told a 150 grain bullet shoots pretty good in them. Anyone got any good 150 grain loads they like?

Yes, as a matter of fact I do, and yes, they do shoot them well. My new one seems to like 150 BT's, and 154 Hornady spire point, which I don't know if they make them any more. Anyway, try, 78.0-7828 -150, 154l@ 3.640, and a fed 215 primer. Or, 77.5-RL22' and 215' same length, and finally, I have been using RL 25, recently, and like it. My load with that powder is 78.5- 79.0-RL 25' and 215 primer@ 3.640 in the Sendero. Experiment with primers too. I have had good luck with Winchester WLR standard primers. They are hotter than what you think! Good luck, and take care.
Yes, as a matter of fact I do, and yes, they do shoot them well. My new one seems to like 150 BT's, and 154 Hornady spire point, which I don't know if they make them any more. Anyway, try, 78.0-7828 -150, 154l@ 3.640, and a fed 215 primer. Or, 77.5-RL22' and 215' same length, and finally, I have been using RL 25, recently, and like it. My load with that powder is 78.5- 79.0-RL 25' and 215 primer@ 3.640 in the Sendero. Experiment with primers too. I have had good luck with Winchester WLR standard primers. They are hotter than what you think! Good luck, and take care.

Thanks for the info. I've used the IMR7828 with the 140 Accubonds and it did pretty good. I've heard conflicting opinions on using ballistic tips with the 7stw. They work really good in my 300wsm but I keep hearing that they "blow up/grenade" if you shoot something close in with the stw.
these are from yesterdays session.

BINGO, you have high pressure. Whenever you see ejector plunger marks on the brass, it is actually flowing brass in to the produces, and the bolt face. Back off on the charge ASAP. Additionally, it COULD be a combo off the resizer adjustment, and / or high chamber pressure. Man, you are WAY over 65,000 pounds of pressure when brass flows. You need to get a handle on that quick. You can lessen the chamber pressure, by seating the bullet farther into the case, or decrease the powder charge. That bright shiny spots on your case heads are a dead give away. Take heed! High pressure is no joke!!!
P/ S, I can actually see the print of you bolt face in the lower left piece of brass in the picture.
Hopefully I'm not the only one learning here ...

I see brass on my bolt and what appears to be pretty even wear on the lugs. The bolted lifted fine on all shots this last session. Are the filings from the extractor?
Looks like either tight ammo or high pressure. If you don't need a pet gorilla to get the ammo in, I'd back off a bit. Unless your boltface could be used as a file, that is.
I had a pressure guage on my last stw, and the rifle was able to go over pressure and not show any real hard bolt lift. If it wasn't easy, the pressure was to high. I say that twice, if the bolt lift wasn't easy, the pressure was to high. Usually over 75K.
I just went through again and saw the tail-end of the brass you are using. Both cratered primers and shiners on the head-stamp. With the brassed up bolt-face and the other signs, the others are right, you gotta step down a bit.
You will probably notice less recoil and group variance if the rifle isn't working quite so hard. You had noted heavy recoil, that is a very under-used way to look at how the rifle is behaving. If it goes up in recoil with a slightly heavier load, or feels like it cracks when it fires, you're pushing the limits hard.
Thanks guys
I saw the shiny spots on other loads that I believe were a little too hot. This brass has been loaded several times and the spots came from those loads I believe.
I have never seen the brass on the bolt till I changed the bump. The bolt face is rough as is the whole bolt assy. Bead blasted and a rough black "blueing".
I'm guessing I need to bump another cpl thou?

"If it goes up in recoil with a slightly heavier load, or feels like it cracks when it fires, you're pushing the limits hard."
I mentioned on an earlier post when testing the barnes and guessing on the load, they "cracked" when fired vs the boom of the 180 bergers. I was too hot on those loads when looking at the brass. Some of those rounds are these same cases.

I hope you guys don't mind the questions. I'm learning a bunch. If you ever get into Archery I have 40 years of target shooting.
Thanks guys
I saw the shiny spots on other loads that I believe were a little too hot. This brass has been loaded several times and the spots came from those loads I believe.
I have never seen the brass on the bolt till I changed the bump. The bolt face is rough as is the whole bolt assy. Bead blasted and a rough black "blueing".
I'm guessing I need to bump another cpl thou?

"If it goes up in recoil with a slightly heavier load, or feels like it cracks when it fires, you're pushing the limits hard."
I mentioned on an earlier post when testing the barnes and guessing on the load, they "cracked" when fired vs the boom of the 180 bergers. I was too hot on those loads when looking at the brass. Some of those rounds are these same cases.

I hope you guys don't mind the questions. I'm learning a bunch. If you ever get into Archery I have 40 years of target shooting.
Like 7stw said those loads are WAY TOO HOT.......time to fall back and regroup before trouble insues......... those are bolt lug breaking loads.......if it was me I would full length resize and start from scratch with the pressure on the barrel in place
Woo Hoo!!!
I just got a call from the gunsmith in York, PA and my Senderos 7mm STWs and LSS 257 Weatherby Mag are ready.

The work I had done was:

- install Jewell triggers I that had gotten directly from Jewell Triggers on the two Senderos and my LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum
- recrown the damaged outside crown of the barrel on the one Sendero
- skim bed both Senderos. The one Sendero was already skim bedded but the the gunsmith pointed out that it was not a very good job because the barrel was off to one side of the stock.
- bedding job on LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum

I already have some ammo reloaded. I'm trying out 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs.

The reload data is for the 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs is:

IMR 7828 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675
H-1000 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

I also have some 162 AMAX reloaded again with H-1000 76 grains, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

In addition I got back the repaired Shooting Chrony.

Looking forward to going to the range on Friday to see what kind of impact the gunsmithing work has done on the rifles and what kind of grouping and velocities on these loads. :D
Woo Hoo!!!
I just got a call from the gunsmith in York, PA and my Senderos 7mm STWs and LSS 257 Weatherby Mag are ready.

The work I had done was:

- install Jewell triggers I that had gotten directly from Jewell Triggers on the two Senderos and my LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum
- recrown the damaged outside crown of the barrel on the one Sendero
- skim bed both Senderos. The one Sendero was already skim bedded but the the gunsmith pointed out that it was not a very good job because the barrel was off to one side of the stock.
- bedding job on LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum

I already have some ammo reloaded. I'm trying out 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs.

The reload data is for the 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs is:

IMR 7828 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675
H-1000 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

I also have some 162 AMAX reloaded again with H-1000 76 grains, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

In addition I got back the repaired Shooting Chrony.

Looking forward to going to the range on Friday to see what kind of impact the gunsmithing work has done on the rifles and what kind of grouping and velocities on these loads. :D
Gamehawker, you must be chomping at the bit right about now. And it sounds like the things that you had done, will be the ones that put the meat on the table. Man, there is no feeling, like having something done, that has a tangible impact, that you KNOW os going to a show up on paper. It is so good, that you can't wait to take it to the range, ( and feel like a kid with a NEW toy),kinda feeling. Man, that all is good, and I'm tickled as you are. You are in for a real treat my friend, and I am happy for ya' dude. Enjoy,much, and keep us posted, and just know that you are about to put some real jewels in your safe!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!
I just got a call from the gunsmith in York, PA and my Senderos 7mm STWs and LSS 257 Weatherby Mag are ready.

The work I had done was:

- install Jewell triggers I that had gotten directly from Jewell Triggers on the two Senderos and my LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum
- recrown the damaged outside crown of the barrel on the one Sendero
- skim bed both Senderos. The one Sendero was already skim bedded but the the gunsmith pointed out that it was not a very good job because the barrel was off to one side of the stock.
- bedding job on LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum

I already have some ammo reloaded. I'm trying out 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs.

The reload data is for the 150 grain Swift Scirocco IIs is:

IMR 7828 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675
H-1000 - 78 grain & 79 grain, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

I also have some 162 AMAX reloaded again with H-1000 76 grains, Federal 215 - COL 3.675

In addition I got back the repaired Shooting Chrony.

Looking forward to going to the range on Friday to see what kind of impact the gunsmithing work has done on the rifles and what kind of grouping and velocities on these loads. :D
Hawker, Man all that stuff sounds great, you made some quality upgrades.....cant wait to hear the range report

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