6mm Hammer bullets

  • Thread starter Deleted member 103481
  • Start date
71 grain sledgehammer
243win Lapua brass
Federal 210m
43.0 grains reloder 16

chrono was being fickle so no velocity numbers, ran it to 44 grains without pressure but crunched for time had made a few 43.0 and it shot an inch. Season ends Jan 1 and didn't have time for fiddling. I would imagine it's running around 3400- 3500
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71 grain sledgehammer
243win Lapua brass
Federal 210m
43.0 grains reloder 16

chrono was being fickle so no velocity numbers, ran it to 44 grains without pressure but crunches for time had made a few 43.0 and it shot an inch. Season ends Jan 1 and didn't have time for fiddling. I would imagine it's running around 3400- 3500
This is the type of load I have been leaning towards recently, fast and flat. The Hammers don't "explode/fragment" other than the nose coming off in a couple pieces and ruin meat like some bullets might at the higher velocities, and they do penetrate. Do I see some pedal wounds on the exit side ?
This is the type of load I have been leaning towards recently, fast and flat. The Hammers don't "explode/fragment" other than the nose coming off in a couple pieces and ruin meat like some bullets might at the higher velocities, and they do penetrate. Do I see some pedal wounds on the exit side ?

yes from what I can tell a larger center base hole and pedals around it. I'm impressed. Little buck made it 20 yards or so
Here's the rifle I slapped together for him.
Weatherby vanguard 243
Leupold vx3i cds 3.5-10x40
Talley lows

17 days since he asked about a first deer rifle to having a deer on the ground. He loves the rifle and was pumped to have his first deer down, though I think I was much more excited he we were able to make it happen in such a short window.
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