6mm Hammer bullets

  • Thread starter Deleted member 103481
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Anyone have any experience on deer sized game with a .243 cal hammer bullet? Setting up a first deer rifle(243win) for BIL and thinking I should make it a hammer to maximize trauma and penetration.

Anyway, I don't see him taking a shot over 250 for a few years so I'm gravitating to the sledgehammer line. Rifle is a weatherby vanguard and from all research must have a 1-10 twist. Only sledge that lists being able to spin with a 10 twist is the 71 grain.

Any experience with that bullet or any other 6mm hammer on game on here? (long shot in LRH I know)... I'm thinking I can get that up to 3200 or so without leaning on it.

thanks for any help

I just got an email from Steve this morning about this very thing. He recommended the 71-grain Sledge Hammer, but threw in a comment about also having a 90-grain 6mm Sledge Hammer that isn't shown on the website. He said that it will work in a 1-in-10" twist. I plan to use it in a small-capacity 6mm, but in your 243 it ought to get pretty good velocity. I would think that this would be a real steam-roller for deer-sized animals.
I just got an email from Steve this morning about this very thing. He recommended the 71-grain Sledge Hammer, but threw in a comment about also having a 90-grain 6mm Sledge Hammer that isn't shown on the website. He said that it will work in a 1-in-10" twist. I plan to use it in a small-capacity 6mm, but in your 243 it ought to get pretty good velocity. I would think that this would be a real steam-roller for deer-sized animals.

Yeah I pretty much just told him to pick whatever he thought most appropriate and send them to me lol he still favored the 71s

it's a shame I can't find any of the powders he recommended locally. My area is dry as a bone for local reloading supplies.

PV had some rl16 and a solid price on lapua brass, now we're cookin with gas
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For the young hunters and the short range given, I like the 71g Sledge Hammers. You should be able to loaf these along in the 243 win at 3600 fps easily with powders in the 4350 area for burn rate. We have been taking deer with a 10" twist 243 win for the last couple of years with the 70g Hammer Hunter at 3700 fps. This kind of vel is magic and recoil is nil.

As was mentioned earlier we do have a 90g Sledge Hammer that is designed for the 10" twist that hasn't been loaded up on the website. I can create a manual order if any are wanting them. Just give me a call. [HIDDEN]
Just received a FedEx notification that my hammers have already shipped. Wowza!

we might even get a trauma pic this season...
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Wedgy, where did you get a 1:6 barrel, from K&P Barrels? I would like to get one for my 6 SST and run the heavy 6mm hammers, it would be great for the 100gr Badlands Bulldozers I'm going to try also.
I just got a 6 twist 6mm barrel so I can run the 110 grain Hunter in a 6-.284, I just need the time as I'm getting other rifles ready for late season cow hunting.

I'm doing a 1/7 with mine...at my velocity and altitude the Berger calculator says I'll be fine...a tad bigger than your 6/284.
I sure wish Proof barrels would make a 1:7 6mm. They need to offer some faster twist in all their carbon fiber barrels. I'm trying a 1:7.5 on my 6SST we will see how it works with the 100gr Bulldozers, if not I can shoot the hammers.
I sure wish Proof barrels would make a 1:7 6mm. They need to offer some faster twist in all their carbon fiber barrels. I'm trying a 1:7.5 on my 6SST we will see how it works with the 100gr Bulldozers, if not I can shoot the hammers.

I ordered my carbon 1/7 6mm from Oregon Mountain Rifles...it should be finished in a week or two.
They list a 60 grain sledge hammer bullet but if says .234 cal? Anybody know if it is a .224 or .243 cal? If it is .243 cal, it might be great in my 6mm-223 AR. Bullet selection is limited due to magazine length constraints.
Wedgy, where did you get a 1:6 barrel, from K&P Barrels? I would like to get one for my 6 SST and run the heavy 6mm hammers, it would be great for the 100gr Badlands Bulldozers I'm going to try also.
Yes, K&P... it too quite a bit longer than they estimated but he shoots at King Of 2M so he gets a pass. Initial scoping with the Hawkeye looks like a top tier lapped custom barrel. I had them send it to a local smith of his choice for Savage std shank, chamber, and muzzle threading, then he shipped the finished product. I'm very happy with the work, no back and forth.
I'm doing a 1/7 with mine...at my velocity and altitude the Berger calculator says I'll be fine...a tad bigger than your 6/284.
With lead bullets you will be fine(I have two 7 twist .243's that shoot 115 DTACs super sweet) but not with monos, to my knowledge the Hammer 110 grain is the largest 6mm mono going.
With lead bullets you will be fine(I have two 7 twist .243's that shoot 115 DTACs super sweet) but not with monos, to my knowledge the Hammer 110 grain is the largest 6mm mono going.

My 1/8 shoots the 115 Berger and Dtacs just fine in a .243 Ack. The 1/7 going a bit faster should been just fine with the 110gr Hammer. Length matters more than the material it's made of in my experience.
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