6.5 Weatherby RPM

I was interested in the 6.5 wsm myself. Seems like there was more people favorble to the 6.5 saum. 264 win mag had a spark rekindled a few years back but not so much interest anymore. Prc is all the rage and I have nothing against it other than I want to reach one of the possible nodes between 3100-3200 fps with 147s without wrecking cases. Thought about the 26 nosler but believe poor case fill could be a problem trying to run it throttled back. This rpm or the 264 win mag would get me to where I want to be. 6.5 saum is still in the back of my mind but I've wanted a 264 win mag for the past 10 years.
2.35 case length sounds great. Should fit long heavies into lots of factory long actions easily. I couldn't figure out why all these new cases were longer that the 7mm rm & 264wm instead of shorter.
Yeah, I had a 7mm Rem Mag A-bolt. It was a nice gun but the 7mm Blaser Magnum has a .317" neck length for a great 1.12 neck to bore ratio. The Blaser Magnums were optimized for great power and efficiency with less recoil. They all have 30° shoulders for good cycling and less case stretch. RL-26, Retumbo, and N-565 all should give the best velocity and using rebated boat tail with secant and tangent ogive bullets will give you less throat torching with the great neck length and better concentricity. RL-25, H-1000, RL-33, N-570 should also work well to varying degrees for powder.
I was interested in the 6.5 wsm myself. Seems like there was more people favorble to the 6.5 saum. 264 win mag had a spark rekindled a few years back but not so much interest anymore. Prc is all the rage and I have nothing against it other than I want to reach one of the possible nodes between 3100-3200 fps with 147s without wrecking cases. Thought about the 26 nosler but believe poor case fill could be a problem trying to run it throttled back. This rpm or the 264 win mag would get me to where I want to be. 6.5 saum is still in the back of my mind but I've wanted a 264 win mag for the past 10 years.
The .264 Win Mag is fun. Side by side with a 7mm RM, you have to squint to tell them apart lol

Weatherby has designed a brand-new cartridge the 6.5 RPM (Rebated Precision Magnum). It's a non-belted cartridge with little taper and a 35-degree shoulder. Initial loads include (from l.) 127-grain Barnes LRX, 140-grain Hornady InterLock and 140-grain Nosler AccuBond.

I was interested in the 6.5 wsm myself. Seems like there was more people favorble to the 6.5 saum. 264 win mag had a spark rekindled a few years back but not so much interest anymore. Prc is all the rage and I have nothing against it other than I want to reach one of the possible nodes between 3100-3200 fps with 147s without wrecking cases. Thought about the 26 nosler but believe poor case fill could be a problem trying to run it throttled back. This rpm or the 264 win mag would get me to where I want to be. 6.5 saum is still in the back of my mind but I've wanted a 264 win mag for the past 10 years.

.264 WM rifles

.264 WM ammo

6.5 PRC ammo

6.5 PRC rifles

Which rifle feeds the best?
Or, which one is most reliable under stress?
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I noticed the 6.5 prc savages are long action as well as most of the other factory rifles being offered. I think the Browning x bolt is indeed a short action.
Does anyone know what the freebore is on the saami chamber spec? I have found case dimensions but nothing on throat.
I would like to know saami freebore also. I'm going to guess it will be close to .120. Just a guess though.
Found it, looks to be exactly same as 6.5 prc @ 188 freebore. That'll make for a LONG coal with a 156 Berger.


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I really like the mk V action, however if you can't load longer than 3.5" in the mag box you're kinda screwed. I'm sure with long bearing surface 147 eldm you may be able to get close to lands in mag. Idk, if it's gonna compete with the 264 win, 6.5 saum/prc it needs be in a long mag box to save powder space.
Probably do fine in a 700 la. I'm probably not going to do another 700. I might go M70 but it for sure will be to long for the m70 unless a wyatts is used, which I really don't want to do that again either.
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