6.5 Weatherby RPM

That's right, Weatherby is always overbore anyways. I thought about this specific case being lengthened years ago, as Winchester made strong brass. I wish someone had a dimensional print, as I would study how it would do with the 7mm Berger 180 gr. Hybrid or 151 Warner Solids, as they are basically the same length. It is not a good case for a 257 or 6.5, if you want that go to a 6.5/06 or 257 Roberts AI, or high performance in a 25 SST or 6.5 SST Sherman Shortmag Tactical. You do know there are functionally illiterate people out there that are still buying the 7mm RUM because they are economically illiterate, also. No offense to anyone, just do the math !
Nothing against the 7mm rum but a 30 inch barrel is needed to get full potential from the round in most situations.
Everyone seems to be in search of more speed, why not buy a 6.5-300 Weatherby? They are available in the Vanguard and Mark V. Brass is available in three brands. The Vanguard is a little lighter than the Mark V, and they shoot virtually the same. I use the same scope on both....had to have the accubrake installed on the Vanguard, which I purchased for $500, and both are 26" barrels. I have to admit that I like the Mark V action the best. They both shoot the same reloads to .6," groups, Vanguard horizontal, Mark V vertical. I have tried switching once fired between them, with no issues.
Does anyone agree with me, that it would be better suited as a .25 ? The 6.5 market is flooded, people drowning in options. Plus Hornady had already released a 6.5 recently.

But think of it, the .335 WBY RPM, .375 RPM, but I really think, a .255 WBY RPM would make the most sense. The .257" bores have gotten no love lately. Maybe its because it's the last cartridge(s) before you switch from Varmint to medium game. .243, well, the waters are muddy there on it being a deer better. .264's are great for medium game.

The .25 WSSM was a great performer, but very very odd, and fed horribly.

I like the idea of the quarter bore! Hhmm wonder what It'd do in a quarter bore and the new .257 131gr Blackjacks!
What is the advantage? On a lengthened 284 case don't you really need a long action? Has Weatherby created a medium length action for this cartridge?
If using a long action I really don't see any advantage to this case over any of the existing 6.5 magnums, 6.5 WBY, 264 Win. Mag., 26 Nosler.

Not bashing the idea just questioning the concept.
What is the advantage? On a lengthened 284 case don't you really need a long action? Has Weatherby created a medium length action for this cartridge?
If using a long action I really don't see any advantage to this case over any of the existing 6.5 magnums, 6.5 WBY, 264 Win. Mag., 26 Nosler.

Not bashing the idea just questioning the concept.

they're chambering it on their 6 lug action...so yes
What is the advantage? On a lengthened 284 case don't you really need a long action? Has Weatherby created a medium length action for this cartridge?
If using a long action I really don't see any advantage to this case over any of the existing 6.5 magnums, 6.5 WBY, 264 Win. Mag., 26 Nosler.

Not bashing the idea just questioning the concept.

I'm not sure it's really an advantage, but if you have a standard bolt face action, this new 6.5 Weatherby cartridge will open up a lot of different options for you, especially in the wildcating world.
What is the advantage? On a lengthened 284 case don't you really need a long action? Has Weatherby created a medium length action for this cartridge?
If using a long action I really don't see any advantage to this case over any of the existing 6.5 magnums, 6.5 WBY, 264 Win. Mag., 26 Nosler.

Not bashing the idea just questioning the concept.

The obvious advantage is light weight. That's why I'm planning to get one. Four point nine pounds is wonderful and allows me to use a March and still be under 7 pounds.
What is the advantage? On a lengthened 284 case don't you really need a long action? Has Weatherby created a medium length action for this cartridge?
If using a long action I really don't see any advantage to this case over any of the existing 6.5 magnums, 6.5 WBY, 264 Win. Mag., 26 Nosler.

Not bashing the idea just questioning the concept.
It takes a long action.
Rebated Precision Magnum. I was wondering why this odd cartridge popped up. I do understand the .473" rim allows it to be built on a .30-06 bolt size. I honestly think the idea would make a better .25. The last new quarter bore I can think of is the WSSM. The 6.5 market is pretty flooded lately. But I finally ran across info, that told me what this was about. It's a slightly lengthened .284 Win. So now it's a more powerful 6.5-284.

I do think it is a "neat" idea, and believe we are going to see wildcats up and down.

"Tired of that .30-06? Want more power? More than the .35 Whelen ? Oh, ok, use this .35 RPM, and your problems are solved.

Here is the article of from Shooting Times about it, and yes, I'm a goober who bought the digital subscription. If it is a problem posting them, let me know and I will delete it, but I believe it's free on their website.

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I use a 280 improved necked to 264. Easy because you have really nice 280 ai brass. Pass thru a 06 ai sizing die, voila! A 6.5/280 ai!
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