6.5 Weatherby RPM

There would be if there were more quarter bores. The bullet makers couldn't hide the fact people needed them. Think about it.
Seriously...people "need" them? I don't mean any disrespect but at this point in time we pretty much have anything we need covered in spades. Everything else is academic and lies within the wants to work with category. I may need another beer but I doubt y'all need ballistics that aren't already available. BTW there are a lotta' good beers out there these days. Just saying. o_O
Seriously...people "need" them? I don't mean any disrespect but at this point in time we pretty much have anything we need covered in spades. Everything else is academic and lies within the wants to work with category. I may need another beer but I doubt y'all need ballistics that aren't already available. BTW there are a lotta' good beers out there these days. Just saying. o_O
You misread it. If there were more .25 rifles, people would NEED the bullets then.
You misread it. If there were more .25 rifles, people would NEED the bullets then.

But if they were 10-twist rifles, then people have all the .257 bullets they need.

And with few high-BC .257 bullets, there's no need to make fast-twist .257 rifles.

It's a chicken-egg problem, that will likely never be solved . . . especially since the .264 is so close, and doesn't suffer these deficiencies.
Apologies if this has been covered in the thread but looking at powder capacity, I really don't see the ballistic advantages, it's almost identical to the .264 win mag. The advantage is the light rifle. For me I would just get a .264WM build on a lightweight rifle, if I were looking for a good performer in 6.5.
As to the.25 Caliber question, it would be neat but imo(only) it would only be a fad or clique item. The only thing wrong with the old tried and true .25-06 is bullet and barrel (twist) design. Get a great .25 cal bullet and proper twist barrel on a .25-06, you will exceed anything the .25 was meant to do, and still be able to easily make a lightweight rifle. Hell the .22 Valkyrie is being shot to 1K yards, and still would kill a coyote. I had a 25WSSM, and really regret not getting a .25-06 instead, I probably would still own a quarter bore.
Am I correct in thinking you just don't like Weatherby? What lightweight rifle can you get in a .264 under five pounds? And especially in a three lug action?
, I own a Weatherby, in a standard magnum caliber however. Great rifle and probably the strongest action made. Just the practicality of it all, with modern day gunsmithing technology Im sure you could get a lighter weight rifle in .264WM made although probably not 5lbs. Therein lies another truth for any hunting, and that is being in good enough shape to actually carry out a hunt to where 2lbs shouldn't be a make or break issue to ones hunt.
, I own a Weatherby, in a standard magnum caliber however. Great rifle and probably the strongest action made. Just the practicality of it all, with modern day gunsmithing technology Im sure you could get a lighter weight rifle in .264WM made although probably not 5lbs. Therein lies another truth for any hunting, and that is being in good enough shape to actually carry out a hunt to where 2lbs shouldn't be a make or break issue to ones hunt.
Your missing the point entirely
It's all about the bolt face
Not ballistics or fitness
Cudos to weatherby for their advancements, I like the cartridge and the rifle. Gonna take some skill to point that 5lb rifle and shoot it for a long poke. I took a white tail many years ago with a Ruger ultra light 243 20" barrel @ 300 yards no bipod. That rifle took some doing to keep it pointed in the same spot for more than a mili-second. It was feather lite on the muzzle end and the majority of it's weight was in the middle where the action was. Good treestand rifle but not a great 600 yard rig.
, I own a Weatherby, in a standard magnum caliber however. Great rifle and probably the strongest action made. Just the practicality of it all, with modern day gunsmithing technology Im sure you could get a lighter weight rifle in .264WM made although probably not 5lbs. Therein lies another truth for any hunting, and that is being in good enough shape to actually carry out a hunt to where 2lbs shouldn't be a make or break issue to ones hunt.

At 155 pounds and seventy-five years old two pounds is huge!
Typical Weatherby cartridges, when placing a long bullet; deep beyond the cartridge neck and eliminating efficiency and creating pressure at the same time is a barrel burner. Brian Litz is not a genius because he didn't study physics, science, or ballistics. He is a genius because he studied all three of the things I mentioned
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