Re: 460 Rowland Absolutely Impressed
As has been stated previously- I have carried the Rowland since it came out. Have taken some game but have chosen to shoot other things and save the Rowland's for defense period. One has been under my or my wife's arm for years.
Now living on Kodiak island for 35 years one has from time to time run into large bears during, fishing, hiking or just about anything out of doors. Fortunately I have never had to use the Rowland on anything large until today.
I set both up on tuned competition guns and because of the brake that comes with the system there just isn,t any recoil. Like most I found the ballistic data published right on and have been carrying a 200 grain hard cast semi-wadcutter because it fed the best out of the magazine and I had them handy.
1200 pounds up close and personal between the eyes and it went down literally on its forehead. Bullet came out through the neck and penetrated into the heart area. I always wondered if I should be like many and carry 300gr 44's or 45's.
Today after carrying one for decades I can say proof positive this cartridge will comfortable take any North American game. No time for hearing protection and it did not ring my ears and it did it's job with authority