375 rum custom build options/ideas??

I think I am getting a little farther off of what I am shooting for. I'd like to keep it 375 rum.

I'm curious as to what twist and barrel length, stock?

If the 375 rum is capable of using the 350gr pills affectively at long range?
The 375 Tejas is about as aggressive as that RUM case can go and it's being rated at 2980 fps with a 300gr bullet.

Just purely personal but by the time you get that Remington all trued and tricked out and a long heavy barrel hung of it for RUM performance you could sell it and build a 375 based on the Lapua case on a Stiller Lapua action which will handle the big barrel and bring maybe the best ELR performance for the dollar. But sometimes we just need a certain itch scratched :D
The 375 Tejas is about as aggressive as that RUM case can go and it's being rated at 2980 fps with a 300gr bullet.

Just purely personal but by the time you get that Remington all trued and tricked out and a long heavy barrel hung of it for RUM performance you could sell it and build a 375 based on the Lapua case on a Stiller Lapua action which will handle the big barrel and bring maybe the best ELR performance for the dollar. But sometimes we just need a certain itch scratched :D

Alright I'm interested how would you build it! Lol
Dang it bigngreen now you've got me thinking! Lol

Nah,l I'd really like to just stick with the straight up 375 rum for right now just would like to here from Kirby or any builders on what they think would be the best barrel length/twist for the 350gr pills.
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Interested in this build. Is there any advantage to the 375 RUM over a 338 Edge?

yes one is a 338 the other a 375.

Mark, I took no offence. Im just saying I think the rum has a ton of potential, because I have seen it. Lapua brass is absolutely better but I have had great luck with the remington stuff (usually I hate remington brass) I have 8 reloads in mine so far.
I was hoping to get some good interest. There's alot of people out there that want to use the 350 smk's in the rum but there is no info anywhere so I decided you gotta start somewhere :D
I did a search on here a couple weeks ago to look at what people thought of the 375/350 gr combo and was surprised to find very little info on it
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