375 projectile options

Hey Maniac, you got your .338 & .375 crossed.šŸ˜

He is right about Badlands and Cutting Edge, if you want to go lead free. I have been running the 375 grain Chinchaga bullets for several years and they have been extremely accurate and devastating on game. You may try the 325 version, probably a good match for the RUM case.
I've recently been using the 390 A-Tips with decent ELR results on steel.
Keep in mind I'm running a bit bigger chambering.
Curtis about the atip. I'm running the 400gr laser in mine but on paper I believe the atip may edge it out been forever since I looked as I waited I think a year for atips and kinda gave up.
Curtis about the atip. I'm running the 400gr laser in mine but on paper I believe the atip may edge it out been forever since I looked as I waited I think a year for atips and kinda gave up.
So far the 390 ATip's advertised BC hasn't quite checked out as advertised. Seems to be closer to .9 G1 and not .987. More on par with the 375 grain Lazers (advertised .890 G1) and not higher than the 400's (advertised .930 G1). Read about others getting the same (actually G7 of .460-.465). I'm going to keep running the ATips as my rifle seems to really like them.
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