Low end Custom Build Options

These were the prices GA Precision gave me on my build (7WSM)with donor acton.

26" Bartlein 5R #7 barrel 1 in 8.7 twist $315.00

Manners MCS-T3 rifle stock (Molded OD green) with 3 sling studs and Pachmyer Decel recoil pad $470.00

Stock bedding $235.00

True-up and square action $350.00

Tune trigger to 2.5 lbs $45.00

20 MOA Badger scope rail $135.00

Cerakote finish $265.00

Shipping $75.00

Add a muzzle break for about $180.00
Remi action
Brux barrel
Muscle break
Rifle Basix trigger
B&C stock
built by RSE Custom


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