New build options

Trebark your giving me some great ideas thanks. You got me to thinking about M1 turrets. Do they make the elevation turrets in yardage marks? If I could range my animal then adjust turrets according to what the range finder says that would be perfect. I don't think I would get the windage turret because I know in hunting situations I could over compensate and blow the shot. I really like the Grey bull scope and how easy it would be to shoot. The only reason I haven't decided on it is the range bars at the bottom of the scope. To much to look at inside scope and it distracts me. If I could get one without the range bars I would buy that scope. I tried to contact them through email but haven't got any response back. About the bullets I will order me a box of 190's also and play with them.
All three of my rifles wear Leupold scopes. My two prone guns wear Leupold MK4's (Leupold || Mark 4 8.5-25x50mm LR/T M1)

My 'carry rifle' has a customized VX3 on it...(the upgrade to VX3 is towards the end of the thread)

They all have several things in common: TMR reticle and M1 turrets.

The TMR (Tactical Milling Reticle) is great for several reasons. The first reason is that the crosshairs don't actually cross in the middle. There is a tiny little gap. this means that no matter how small the target, your crosshairs will never cover it up. It is also a great reticle because it is graduated in .5mils and in one area in .2mils. This makes it easy to dial corrections if you miss/misjudge the wind.

The M1 turrets are big turrets with great knobs on them that you can easily manipulate in the cold with gloves on. M1's are also nice because there are no covers on them. Covers can get lost and I've even seen them gets stepped on.

With the Sightron SIII's, you get similar quality glass as the Leupold, but for less $$. The earlier suggestion of 8-32x56 is a good as is the 6-24x50.
Very nice looking Rifles.
Trebark your giving me some great ideas thanks. You got me to thinking about M1 turrets. Do they make the elevation turrets in yardage marks? If I could range my animal then adjust turrets according to what the range finder says that would be perfect. I don't think I would get the windage turret because I know in hunting situations I could over compensate and blow the shot. I really like the Grey bull scope and how easy it would be to shoot. The only reason I haven't decided on it is the range bars at the bottom of the scope. To much to look at inside scope and it distracts me. If I could get one without the range bars I would buy that scope. I tried to contact them through email but haven't got any response back. About the bullets I will order me a box of 190's also and play with them.

Generally speaking you do not want your turrets marked in yards. You want them marked in MOA or MILs. The reason for this is that if they are marked in yards, you will have to shoot the load that matches your turret exactly. While many companies say they can build a custom turret if you give them the ballistics of your load, I find this hard to believe. Is it really possible to have a turret that matches all the time? what if you shoot groundhogs in the summer and it's 90 degrees. Then you take the same load and rifle deer hunting and it's 20 degrees. How close can that turret be? This doesn't even consider changes in elevation, which can have a dramatic affect on trajectory.

What you want is turrets in MOA or MILS. Then have a drop chart or electronic device that takes into consideration atmospheric conditions and can calculate a decaying BC as the distance gets long and the velocity drops off.
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