Well, I have 50 rounds down the tube finally.
First time I went out was -1° so I didn't do too much shooting. I was on paper, but the scope was bottomed out and I was still hitting almost 18" low, and this was on the 300 yard line. So, I took off the 60 MOA rail and put the other rail on. It said 25 on it, so I was scratching my head because I ordered a 40.
Went and shot today and was chasing my tail all over trying to get on paper. Turns out it was a 40 MOA rail, because I dialed up to roughly 26 MOA and was back on paper.
Top speed was 2948 with 125.5gn's of Retumbo. I'm going to back it down though since I was getting pressure signs.
Going to have to get a custom sizing die made. Had a replacement sent after the first one was rounding off the shoulders and the new one I have seems to be much tighter. I ruined two cases because it sizes them so small.
Did some measuring on a brand new case and it measures .002/.003" smaller than my fired case.
New case at the 200 line is .6545"
Fired at the 200 line is .656/.657"
This lines up with my reamer print at .659" for the 200 line.
I did see that PTG has an EnABELR II reamer out.
EnABELR (Custom Fit) II Chamber Reamer (Live Pilot)
ATTENTION: Original Manson reamer was large; this print fits the brass with record results.
6.5mm Creedmoor Custom Chamber Reamer. Made in White City Oregon USA. Making Firearm Parts and Chamber Reamers Since 1957.