308 win hunting bullets

In my 308 I can use the 165 game king interchangeably with the 168matchking. I can load both i the mag and not be able to see a difference out to 600. 168 berger vld's however are what I will run when I have varget(I don't at this time) I can run them 2830-2840 with sub-inch 500yd accuracy. The Serrias can be better accuracy wise but not that fast accurately. I have not shot another game bullet out of this 308. I have used the 175smk 178amax and eldm and the 195tmk with great speed and accuracy also. I have some 195's loaded for a long field sit next week so we shall see
Haven't been able to find any of the game kings either
In my 308 I can use the 165 game king interchangeably with the 168matchking. I can load both i the mag and not be able to see a difference out to 600. 168 berger vld's however are what I will run when I have varget(I don't at this time) I can run them 2830-2840 with sub-inch 500yd accuracy. The Serrias can be better accuracy wise but not that fast accurately. I have not shot another game bullet out of this 308. I have used the 175smk 178amax and eldm and the 195tmk with great speed and accuracy also. I have some 195's loaded for a long field sit next week so we shall see
I have thought about using the eldm or the 195tmk but wasnt sure about performance
About everything available to me are match bullets i have been able to find accu bonds in 150 partition in 180 hornady interlock in 150s and sst in 180 and barnes ttsx in 130 and 150 and ltr in 175s
I am enjoying 150's in .30 calls right now so that bias in my opinion is stated - all three you mention in 150 have done great for me on whitetails.

Shoot fast and flatter with a little less recoil that heavier bullets. I like the Accubonds too but you can get 2x the bullets with Interlocks or SST - if any of that matters to you.

Good luck!
Nobody seems to use Speer bullets anymore. I wonder why?

Good point - I remember trying Hot Cors and soft point boat tails in 30-06 when I started reloading and want to say they were good. If memory serves something else won the battle of the day and I never looked back...

Thanks for the reminder, need to try some again!
Nobody seems to use Speer bullets anymore. I wonder why?
When I started reloading back in the day Grand Slams were the talk of the town. I loaded up some and proceeded to put 3 shots into a black bear 340lb at 60 yards. Pencil size hole going in and out through the chest all 3 shots. He kept on going. Another old timer in our group got him about 200 yds away from me with a pre-war Winchester 30-30 lever gun shooting ammo that had 1956 on the box. One shot. Maybe I slowed it down for him but it should have dropped for me. At that point I gave up on the Grand Slams. Maybe they've improved, I don't know, but I put Nosler Partitions ahead of the same load and have never regretted the change, never looked back. I know some guys that swear by them.
I shoot 150 Accubond in my 30-06. Plenty of force on the receiving end and I get 0.4 moa at 100 yards seating 0.074" jump (+\- 0.001")

They are not widely available tonight. I loaded my last 30 and then finally found 2 boxes at Precision Reloading. I bought both. Hoping they actually have them.

Good luck on your search.
Another thing going in Noslers favor...easy to tune/no need to fine tune the load in my experience.

In every cartridge I've tried ballistic tips in one can just load to standard factory overall length, load a grain under book max, and go shoot groups that are very close to what the rifle would ever be capable of.
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