308 win hunting bullets

If you found some Nosler 150AB, yep, I'd go with those. NC whitetail as you know aren't that hard to put down if hit 'em right. See what Nosler manual says for powders and go huntin. I'm using Nosler 165 Partitions this year in my 30.06 over 56.5 gr. IMR4350, yum, venison sure taste good. Matter of fact I'm in my blind now waiting for that monster buck to come out,,,, haha. Season still young , right? 🙃😄
If you found some Nosler 150AB, yep, I'd go with those. NC whitetail as you know aren't that hard to put down if hit 'em right. See what Nosler manual says for powders and go huntin. I'm using Nosler 165 Partitions this year in my 30.06 over 56.5 gr. IMR4350, yum, venison sure taste good. Matter of fact I'm in my blind now waiting for that monster buck to come out,,,, haha. Season still young , right? 🙃😄
That sounds like a compressed load. 1/2gr shy of the max according to the Nosler manual. Any pressure issues?
That sounds like a compressed load. 1/2gr shy of the max according to the Nosler manual. Any pressure issues?
You're correct in the 1/2 gr shy of max, but it puts me less than 100% of case capacity for Nosler brass, which I'm using. And no, no pressure signs, all primers and brass are normal, no anomalies. Velocity is actually kind of disappointing 2670 is best average i can get with 22" barrel chronographed with my Magneto Speed. 35 rounds total in 5 shot groups over several days. Average ES is 30. Had several nice sub MOA 3 shot groups so overall satisfied with my hunting load @200yrds or less. It put 1 deer in the freezer so far this year.
Looking to buy some bullets for my 308 win I've found s few different ones from 150 grain to 180 grain.ive always used factory stuff until now this will be my first year using my own hand loads.was wondering what yall have had good luck with? I wanted to use nosler but I haven't found any.about all I can find are seirra,hornady and bergers
In my 6.5 I shoot burger 140 VLD hunting bullets in my 338 I use 250 grain elite hunters
I love it when loads work in multiple rifles. The IMR4895, is that 43 or 45 grns? If 45, any pressure signs?
I used 45.0grs of IMR4895,Win case,WLRM Primer,no pressure signs,velocity was right at 2800fps.I used to use WLR Primers,but since I also have magnum rifles,I tried the WLRM Primers in my 308's and they seemed to work very well.So now I just buy the WLRM Primers and I use them in my 30-06's and 338-06 too
150gr sierra for whitetale out to 400 or I have used the Hammer Hunter with great luck. For whitetail hunting I do not have a place that I shoot past 400 so the high BC bullets are not a concern for me. These are all over Varget. I have had good luck with varget from -20 to +60 degree hunting temps. I am getting +8 reloads on Horady brass and more with Lapua.
Thanks for your info I've looked at buying the hammer hunter to try and I have varget as well and lapua bras as well also have regular lake city brass and lake city match and long range also have federal and Winchester as well so I can try which ever brass as far as primers I have federal 210m and regular 210
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