308 win hunting bullets

Hornady interlock is known as the poor man noslear partion. 165-180 gr flat base bullet is a really good bullet on whitetails. You can get 100 for basically same price as accubonds. I've found that they are a very easy to find a load.

just my 2 cents who have shot them for over 25 years and killed truck loads of whitetails from 30 yards to 400.

ive really like the 165 In the 308 and 180 in the 20-06.
180 In The 300win mag is just evil.
Looking to buy some bullets for my 308 win I've found s few different ones from 150 grain to 180 grain.ive always used factory stuff until now this will be my first year using my own hand loads.was wondering what yall have had good luck with? I wanted to use nosler but I haven't found any.about all I can find are seirra,hornady and bergers
In my area seirra 150gr.pro hunters are usually always available so that's what i use and for shots out to 400yds they have worked amazingly well for me, good luck in finding the perfect load and welcome to the world of reloading
For the last 5 years I've been using federal 168gr tactical bonded tipped ammo. LE308tt2 is the designation on the box. at distances of between 40 and 178 I haven't had a deer take a single step after being hit. Admittedly, I don't shoot tons of deer every year, but the last few years I haven't had to track a single one.

supposedly they sell the bullets as a component to hand load.
I've had good results and very good accuracy with Nosler Accubonds. As I shoot a good bit of precision target work with 168gr and 175gr Sierra Matchkings and Matchking Tipped .308 Win bullets, I stick with 165gr or 168gr AccuBonds. I do have a box or two of 180gr AccuBonds that I have to work up loads for. I've had excellent results with RL-15 and Norma 203B which are very close in pressures, velocity, and accuracy. I use either WLR or CCI BR-2 primers and Lapua brass.

Good luck and good hunting,

I have killed a BUNCH of the NC deer with various .308 bullets in various calibers and one of the best that I have used is Nosler 125 gr Ballistic Tip for 350 yards and under, I only say this because I have not shot a deer past 350 yards with it. It is a deer size game bullet not a varmint bullet construction. As long as you keep your impact velocity under 3000 fps and put it where it needs to go DRT is usually the result. THE LOAD I have discovered that shoots great in numerous 308 win. rifles is 46 grs IMR 4895 with a CCI BR-2 primer in a Winchester case. From my 21 1/2" Heart barrel rifle it runs right at 3000 fps muzzle velocity. Most any 150 gr cup and core bullet has worked great but in my experience deer run a few yards with chest shots than with the 125 Ballistic Tip. I guess I have killed more deer with the Sierra 150 pro hunter and game king than any other 150 gr brand. Someone mentioned the Sierra 165 BTHP Game King. It is another good one. As accurate as the Match King and is deadly on deer. It is not hard to go wrong with any mid weight hunting constructed bullet for deer in the 308 Win so you don't have to have the new sexy bullet that cost twice what the old school cup and core bullets do for deer.
165 grain Sierra Boattails. In the manual Sierra says that testing revealed the hollow points penetrated more than the soft points. Both shot great in Rem 5r and Wbee Accumark. Both one shot killed every whitetail we let loose on. Don't overlook Hornady SST. Very accurate and effective also. Accubonds tend to be tougher than needed and kill but the deer go further after the shot in various calibers I tried. I use them for my elk loads in the 300.
165 grain Sierra Boattails. In the manual Sierra says that testing revealed the hollow points penetrated more than the soft points. Both shot great in Rem 5r and Wbee Accumark. Both one shot killed every whitetail we let loose on. Don't overlook Hornady SST. Very accurate and effective also. Accubonds tend to be tougher than needed and kill but the deer go further after the shot in various calibers I tried. I use them for my elk loads in the 300.
Sierra 165 Game King btw
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