308 win hunting bullets

I have used the Speer Grand Slam almost exclusively for both deer and elk the last few years, and couldn't be happier. But have shot the ttsx and accubond as well, with equally good results. Sierra GK is also very accurate, fairly inexpensive bullet as well.
If you can find 150 Ballistic Tips they cost less for load development and have the same geometry as the Accubond / shoot the same. In my experience.
I found that the Ballistic Tips destroy too much meat. They definitely perform as well as the Accubonds, but I like to bring home more than half a deer.
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I have used the 168gr amax/eldm for years in an ar10 for a woods rifle. Works great behind 42gr of rl15 in lake city brass. Mild load avg 2560fps in a 20" bbl. Very accurate and has worked well from 30yds out to 300yds.
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