I've read just about every bit of info there is online about the 300 Norma. Every single owner of a 300Nm praises it for accuracy & wide nodes. The gun writers who don't seem to own a 300Nm explaines how 30 nosler is better, now their on a bandwagon of how 300 prc is better. I'm totally open minded but I can see there is a lot of fluff & hype in all directions. 300 prc is designed right. 300 Noma is designed right. Negatives on 300 norma = bolt face diameter is not so standard & less barrel life. I can live with that if the round is consistent. Any other negatives from someone who has owned a 300nm?
300 prc negatives: soley being dependant on hornady brass for several years or more. No other negatives we know of until some average consumers like ourselves spends time loading & shooting in 300 prc. There may be no other negatives, time will tell. The reason I'm even posting here is because I'll building one of these two. Previously, I was determined to build based on a round with lapua brass availability. Is 300 prc worth it over the 300 norma to get past my frustrations with run of the mill brass? 300 prc may be the best round ever perceived but it's going to take more time for me to decide between 300 norma & 300 prc. I've owned 3 6.5 creedmoors. I like them alot, but some how alot of common hunters & sporting goods store salesmen think that it out performs just about every other round that's ever been developed in terms of trajectory wind drift & terminal performance. How did they get those ideas? Great marketing is how they got those ideas. Is 6.5 cm a great round that's easy to load accurately, bucks wind, and delivers good down range energy for caliber size? Absolutely! Time has told all of those things to be true but it's still over estimated in the minds of alot of people. What has me puzzled right now is the fact that 300 Norma is praised highly from experienced owners but talked down by internet expert article writers who doesn't own one & 300 prc is touted to out perform 300 nm by people in the industry & tied to writing articles for the industry. I'm not insinuating at all the 300 prc isn't a great round. Why all the naysayers for the 300 Norma though? What do those same guys have to say for 6.5x47 lapua vs 6.5 creedmoor. I wish they would tell me which one is better.