26 Nosler or 300 Win Mag

I'm personally a fan of the belted magnums so I would say the 300 but I've also seen many an elk put down with a 243, so the 26 would be perfectly ok to do it with as well. All about where you put that bullet.
Just another airhead that was born already knowing everything. There's a couple of the new generations just like him that know everything there is to know already.

Well....let's be careful. There are a number of folks around here that may be considered..."younger"...But have concentrated training paid for by your tax dollars....and they DO know a lot.
Here is my posture on LIFE: When I think I have it all figured out - and quit learning because I am "convinced".....I am done. The rest of the time I have left will not be "life" . Life = learning new things.
***End Sermon***:D
Bring both guns. I have one of each and mid week if my butt is starting to drag (I'm pushing 60yo) I carry the 26 cuz it's a couple pounds lighter.
Availability of the .300 win Ammo Over the Nosler alone would be the deciding factor in my opinion...
.300 is a beast....and a NATO round which means a good supply of once fired brass...
Shoot what you are most comfortable with. In guiding and hanging around elk camps the biggest mistake is going out to buy latest super mag that they cannot shot as well as there 30-06 or 270 they left home. Both calibers would work OK. I have killed elk with 270, 7mm and 300 ultra mag, they all did a great job.
The ongoing blast at 6.5's is getting old, all calibers are fun to shoot and hunt with. More positive conversations would be enjoyable, let's have fun and not beat each other down.
Yes, many Moose are killed every year in the Nordic Nations, but Sven isn't blasting away at Bullwinkle from across the Fjord. Those Moose are mostly shot at 100 meters or less. So yes, a 140 gr 6.5 Bullet will shoot right through them or almost.
But Elk are tougher than Moose. If it were me, I'd take the 300 with 200-215 gr Bullets. The 210 gr LR Accubond with put them down fast.
It is not just caliber but bullet as well. Although IMHO 6.5mm is on the light side for a broad heavy elk. As a big Nosler fan, the Accubond is not the best choice, the deeper penetrating 140 grn. Partition with a clean shot will produce a DRT with only a slightly lower BC. However, I recommend the 300, just stay within you capabilities.
150 yds to 500yds
140 gr Nosler Accubond for the 26; 180 gr Nosler Accubond for the 300.
Proficiency same with either rifle out to about 250 yds. I'm a tad better with the 26 beyond 250 yds.

Which would you choose and why?
Completely agree with codym. 300 win mag. Big fan.
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