26 Nosler or 264 Win Mag?

I had the same question and went with the 26 nosler. I have a savage and already have belted magnum headspace gauges. I don't have machining capability and don't want to pay someone, so went with a savage prefit. I wanted to do a savage prefit in 264 win mag, but was unable to find one with a 1-8 twist. Agreed with all of the other posts above. Inside 600 yds you are only talking inches of difference in drop/windage between the two cartridges. If you already have the brass, go with the 264WM
Just a coincidence but I just had my first 26Nosler kill about 2 hours ago, 140 Hybrid Targets . Here is my ballistics.
He is kind of a small buck. I was going to let him walk but I've been hunting this place for hundreds of hours and this is the first buck I've seen on this track of land, I need the meat plus I wanted to see how these Hybrids kill.

It was like the hammer of Thor struck him! LOL
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Notice that the stability with an 8 twist with 140 Hybrids at 3362 fps at 420' ASL is only 1.542.

Just sayin.
Yes. I was just reiterating what you said about if he goes with a 264wm to make sure it isn't a 9 twist.
Even at my velocity I'm just over 1.5 at the elevation I am hunting this week.
Yes. I was just reiterating what you said about if he goes with a 264wm to make sure it isn't a 9 twist.
Even at my velocity I'm just over 1.5 at the elevation I am hunting this week.
I was kidding. Should have used a smilie.

I also remember your thoughts on SG/stability/revolutions as important for terminal ballistics.
And I agree.
I have a soft spot for the 264win. I have a few of them currently. They just plain work. Quality brass is readily available, reasonably priced, as are dies.
I recently ordered a 32" stainless 8" to 7" transitional twist barrel to build my next 264win.
I won't say anything derogatory about the performance of the 26Nosler. It is everything a 264win is and then more. I won't be jumping on the wagon though until quality brass becomes reasonably available and it has a chance to prove commercially that it is more than boutique chambering.
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