.300 WSM 22" vs .300 Win Mag 26"?

If you really want to get an idea of short barrel performance look over at the specialty pistol section

28 Nosler 18" McGowan 1-8 twist barrel with a 4-port Magnum Muscle Brake.
Trued action, PTG one piece fluted bolt, McMillan stock and 4 screw EGW 20 MOA HD base.
Throated deep to run the 195 gr Berger EOL bullets, getting ~2800fps with Retumbo



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The WSM will do pretty well if you use bullets in the 180-190 grain range. Longer bullets like the 208 ELD and 215 Berger Hybrid will eat up too much case volume in the short action cartridge. Try stuff like the 190 ABLR, 178 ELD, or Berger VLDs in 175-190 grain. Even the 200 ELD-X wouldn't be bad since it has a more compact ogive.
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