243 powder?

Answering the OP's original question on RL26. I used it in my 243 with good results, was running mostly the 105 & 115 class bullets for long range target shooting. I settled on 45g with 105 Berger hybrids in my rifle.
Just picked up a 243 Ruger in 9 twist, 22" barrel. Hope to cover about 500yds with it. Thinking 95 gr Berger classic as a start bullet.
What powders work with the round best? Thinking of RL16. Have a lot of RL26 anyone try it in 243? Have a lot of H4831sc.
H414 and 75gr HP for Coyotes has been fine...243 works great. Whatever powder gives the best accuracy with whatever bullet you choose
Just picked up a 243 Ruger in 9 twist, 22" barrel. Hope to cover about 500yds with it. Thinking 95 gr Berger classic as a start bullet.
What powders work with the round best? Thinking of RL16. Have a lot of RL26 anyone try it in 243? Have a lot of H4831sc.
I've had good luck with IMR 4831 also IMR 4064 I have done some in IMR 7828 but have not tested them yet but 4064 and 4831 both shoot tight groups
I have loaded for multiple 243 and use either H-4350, hybrid 100v and recently having good luck with rl-16 but there is a multitude of powders that work well in this round
RL22 and 95 Nos Bal.Tips. Been shooting same load since 2013 ...with no change of POI. Tried Hodgdon Superformance and gained Lil over 100fps..POI dead on just bout inch lower. Gonna play with RL26...but RL22 is my go to...ole reliable. Good luck ! And enjoy !!
I will have to test the other powders I have for 243. I have only shot varget because it shot very well. But I have on hand RL15 , 19, 22 , h4831 imr 4831 h4350 imr 4350. Just to names ones I will try before season.
Just picked up a 243 Ruger in 9 twist, 22" barrel. Hope to cover about 500yds with it. Thinking 95 gr Berger classic as a start bullet.
What powders work with the round best? Thinking of RL16. Have a lot of RL26 anyone try it in 243? Have a lot of H4831sc.
The Hodgden manual lists a host of powders that will give you velocities over 3,000 fps at max loads with a 95 gr bullet in the 243. H4831 is among them. So is H1000, IMR 7828, Hybrid 100v, H414, IMR 7977, 4955, 4451, and W 760. I didn't find but one load in the Alliant manual for the 95 grain bullet, but it was RL16. They list RL15, 19, 22, 17, 23 and 26 for their 100 grain loads, though. Speer's manual also lists Viht. N560, Power Pro 4000 mr, Accurate 4350, Ramshot hunter, and Ramshot Magnum. I think you're going to have to try some of the slower powders on this list and see what shoots best in your rifle. I have loads I use in my 6mm Remington, but they are hotter than the 243 should be loaded.
I will have to test the other powders I have for 243. I have only shot varget because it shot very well. But I have on hand RL15 , 19, 22 , h4831 imr 4831 h4350 imr 4350. Just to names ones I will try before season.
RL15 leaves a lot of case unused but will work. RL22, IMR or H 4831 and IMR or H 4350 will work. I use the IMR powders in my 6mm Remington with very good results.
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