243 powder?

I've had good luck with either 4350 powders pushing a 95gr bullet. I've since switched to 80gr Barnes using Superformance powder, also with great results.
Just picked up a 243 Ruger in 9 twist, 22" barrel. Hope to cover about 500yds with it. Thinking 95 gr Berger classic as a start bullet.
What powders work with the round best? Thinking of RL16. Have a lot of RL26 anyone try it in 243? Have a lot of H4831sc.
I use IMR4350, H4350 and H4831SC.
I use 7828ssc with Berger 87gr VLDH as per some old load data from Berger. Good velocity and great accuracy. 47.1 gr max with 42gr start.
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I have been shooting the 95 grain VLD hunting bullet in my Remington 700 Varmint for several years. My load is 46 grains of H4831SC. Out of the 26" barrel I am getting 3100 fps. It is a pretty hot load that shoots 1/2 moa groups. You can get way more than 500 yards with it. I have killed deer at 525 yards with mine. It is my go to rifle when I want to shoot for accuracy.
I use Retumbo successfully with 105 AMAX. With 100 gr bullets, down to about 75gr, I have had consistent good results from IMR4831. Not sexy, but it works for me.
I haven't tried the 95 Berger but I shoot a bunch of the 95 Nosler BTs. They are a fairly stout bullet and are very accurate in my rifle. Haven't tried RL26 in the 243 either as I have found excellent groups with Varget 70 - 80 grain, IMR4166, RL16 & H4350 with 90 - 100 grain. Believe it or not H4831SC topped the velocity and accuracy out of my 243 22" ligh-varmint barrel Ruger M77.
2564, tried four powders and found H4350 gave the best accuracy for my son's .243. H4831SC was too slow burning for the 95 Berger and other powders weren't very accurate. Saying all this, no two rifles like the same loading. Test what you have and move to another if you aren't satisfied. Good luck
If you have H 1000 and heavy bullets the upper end loads might work, H4350 or Varget
Good luck with Midsouth I tried to order a trigger from them and was told it was in stock but it would be at least a week before they even picked the order
Yeah I ordered a ton from them two months ago, shipping was slow but it got here. When you want something that's hard to find sometimes you just have to wait.
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