243 powder?

when I had a .243 all I ever used was Hornady 100 gr interlock spire points pushed by 40.5 gr of IMR4350. I had that rifle for about 20 years and shot a ton of deer with it most dropping where they stood. I'm sure your choice of bullets will do just as well. I would also consider looking at the Barnes TSX or TTSX for you .243.
2564, tried four powders and found H4350 gave the best accuracy for my son's .243. H4831SC was too slow burning for the 95 Berger and other powders weren't very accurate. Saying all this, no two rifles like the same loading. Test what you have and move to another if you aren't satisfied. Good luck
I very much agree with all the above, as far as my 243 goes.
Imr 4831 has worked best for me with 90-100 grain bullets in the 243 Winchester. H4831sc and H4350 has worked well in most I've tried also, but I got better performance with imr 4831in my rifles.
You've gotten lots of good data on here so far. The powder I found worked well for me was Ramshot Hunter. I load for accuracy and found a very accurate load right in the middle of starting and max for a 105 AMAX. They don't make the AMAX anymore so I will be restarting my load development.
So much for the .243 being dead. Looks like you can use a multitude of powders and get results. I use IMR 4064 with 55 gr Nosler Balistic tip (3840 fps) and Superperformance with 100 gr Interlocks (2980 fps) out of a 1-10 barrel twist.
Just picked up a 243 Ruger in 9 twist, 22" barrel. Hope to cover about 500yds with it. Thinking 95 gr Berger classic as a start bullet.
What powders work with the round best? Thinking of RL16. Have a lot of RL26 anyone try it in 243? Have a lot of H4831sc.
I'm thanking maybe try the superformance powder. I would at least try a faster burning powder do to the short barrel. My opinion slow burning powders are for long barrels. Fast Burning powders would be more for short barrels. I have never tried RL26 but it appears to be good for longer barrels and heavy bullets.
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