230 Bergers and 300 RUM

Thanks for the input. That's good to know. I wasn't sure what kind of MV's folks were getting with the 2 weights, so couldn't do a valid ballistic comparison. Interesting.
Travis, did you mean 1500 or 500 in the first of your post?

Thanks for sharing your results. I need to try some 215's in my 300 win.


1500. This was based off actuall shooting, but the ballistic programs are pretty close. Run the numbers on a 215 Hybrid at 3170 and the 230 hybrid at 3050 and you can get a good idea. Will be trying them in the 300WM next when I get one finished up for a guy. I used the same charge weight in the RUM as the 210, but set the bullet .010" off. It shot slightly faster than the 210, so you could probably do the same with your WM. Like the other hybrids I have shot, touching to .015" off seems to be the sweet spot.
Here's what JBM shows between the two: These numbers are based on a 100 yard zero and sea level with a 10mph full value wind. These are realistic velocities out of a RUM. The 30" tube might do 50fps faster?

230 Hybrid Target @ 2950fps.

500 Yards: 8.0moa drop, 2355fps, 2833ft.lbs and 2.1moa wind
1000 Yards: 23.1moa drop, 1831fps, 1711ft.lbs and 4.6moa wind
1500 Yards: 45.2moa drop, 1369fps, 957ft.lbs and 8.0moa wind

215 Hybrid Target @ 3125fps.

500 Yards: 7.0moa drop, 2473fps, 2919ft.lbs and 2.0moa wind
1000 Yards: 20.8moa drop, 1899fps, 1722ft.lbs and 4.6moa wind
1500 Yards: 41.2moa drop, 1400fps, 936ft.lbs and 8.0moa wind
1500. This was based off actuall shooting, but the ballistic programs are pretty close. Run the numbers on a 215 Hybrid at 3170 and the 230 hybrid at 3050 and you can get a good idea. Will be trying them in the 300WM next when I get one finished up for a guy. I used the same charge weight in the RUM as the 210, but set the bullet .010" off. It shot slightly faster than the 210, so you could probably do the same with your WM. Like the other hybrids I have shot, touching to .015" off seems to be the sweet spot.

Have any one kill a elk or deer with the 215 Hybrid ? If so at what yardage Thank for your info. Joe
I have shot over 400 of the 230 gr. Still have close to 300 left. By the time i get them shot i will nead a new barrel. I will most likeley have it turned into a 338 norma. The 300 ultra barrel just do not last long but i sure like to shot it.
I wonder if something like Kirby's 300AX would help seperate the 230's over the 215'???

Most likely yes. What we have seen is that the 230's seem to be more efficent in a 30-378 than a 210 when both are loaded to their accuracy / velocity node. In the 300 win with the 210 and 230 we see the 230 match the 210 in velocity at 1000 yards with the 230 carrying about 130 lbs more energy and with less wind drift.

Looking at TMR's data with the 300 rum comparing the 230 and the 215 it is important that we look at the differences and make a choice. TMR seen the same wind drift with both bulets, but the 230 required about 1 to 1.25 more dial up. The 230 did carry a little more energy even with a slower muzzle velocity. I feel it boils down to a personal choice that should be made with considerstion to what game will be hunted and at what distances. Knowing how Berger bullets work and the fact they do expell off a good portion of their weight in fragments leaving the rest of the bullet to carry on and in most cases pass through, I like to use the heaviest bullet I can when elk are on the menu. Either way I feel the differences between the 215 and the 230 are small and both are very very good high BC bullets for long range performance in a 30 cal.

Most likely yes. What we have seen is that the 230's seem to be more efficent in a 30-378 than a 210 when both are loaded to their accuracy / velocity node. In the 300 win with the 210 and 230 we see the 230 match the 210 in velocity at 1000 yards with the 230 carrying about 130 lbs more energy and with less wind drift.

Looking at TMR's data with the 300 rum comparing the 230 and the 215 it is important that we look at the differences and make a choice. TMR seen the same wind drift with both bulets, but the 230 required about 1 to 1.25 more dial up. The 230 did carry a little more energy even with a slower muzzle velocity. I feel it boils down to a personal choice that should be made with considerstion to what game will be hunted and at what distances. Knowing how Berger bullets work and the fact they do expell off a good portion of their weight in fragments leaving the rest of the bullet to carry on and in most cases pass through, I like to use the heaviest bullet I can when elk are on the menu. Either way I feel the differences between the 215 and the 230 are small and both are very very good high BC bullets for long range performance in a 30 cal.


Good points, Broz, especially in relation to the game being shot at...
Good points, Broz, especially in relation to the game being shot at...

Thanks, it does look like the 215 is going to shine for me. It should be a great bullet for the 300 win. I have taken many bulls with the 210's, so the 215 will surely be even better. This will be my summer project.

Thanks, it does look like the 215 is going to shine for me. It should be a great bullet for the 300 win. I have taken many bulls with the 210's, so the 215 will surely be even better. This will be my summer project.


LOL! Are you sure you can wait that long Jeff?!!
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