230 Bergers and 300 RUM

Great thread! Thanks for all the input gentlemen.

I couldn't take it anymore, yanked my 1 in 12 twist 300 RUM barrel and rechambered a rem takeoff 24" 300 Win mag barrel (which is a 1 in 10) to 300 RUM so I could try the 230 gr hybrids. I bought a Pacific tool and gauge reamer and did the job myself. Can't express how great it feels to do it yourself saving time and money.

Tried 230 gr hybrid target bullets. OAL 3.775" in Wyatt's mag box, push feed model 70. Accuracy load is 88.5 grs of H1000 vel 2860 fps.

I'll use it on my fall cow elk hunt. This rifle is fairly compact with this shorter barrel, weighs 8.5 lbs. It doesn't have a brake, recoil is stout but managable.

Thanks again for all the ideas.
Finally had an opportunity to shoot some 215 hyb.
factory 700 Sendero SF1 300 RUM, Nosler cases, Retumbo and Fed 215 mag primers. OAL 3.885 .005 off the lands
Started with 88 gr and ended with 92.5 in .5 gr increments. Three shot groups until I narrow down a load. best group so far was 89 measuring .310. From there the groups opened slowly to 1.22 (only two groups) and then at 91 to 92.5 started back down. 92.5 was .72. this group had two rounds in the same hole and one flier. I figured I would start to see pressure signs at this point however everything looks good. 10 groups with only two over 1" seems like a good start. Next weekend I will continue 92.5 to 95 gr unless I see the pressure signs. Then tweak the load and OAL to "hopefully" .5 or better. I do not have a crony so I don't have a clue as to the velocities.
Anyone shoot a factory 26" and know the ball park velocities I may be getting? I was shooting at 3000 feet ele and 80* temp
Finally had an opportunity to shoot some 215 hyb.
factory 700 Sendero SF1 300 RUM, Nosler cases, Retumbo and Fed 215 mag primers. OAL 3.885 .005 off the lands
Started with 88 gr and ended with 92.5 in .5 gr increments. Three shot groups until I narrow down a load. best group so far was 89 measuring .310. From there the groups opened slowly to 1.22 (only two groups) and then at 91 to 92.5 started back down. 92.5 was .72. this group had two rounds in the same hole and one flier. I figured I would start to see pressure signs at this point however everything looks good. 10 groups with only two over 1" seems like a good start. Next weekend I will continue 92.5 to 95 gr unless I see the pressure signs. Then tweak the load and OAL to "hopefully" .5 or better. I do not have a crony so I don't have a clue as to the velocities.
Anyone shoot a factory 26" and know the ball park velocities I may be getting? I was shooting at 3000 feet ele and 80* temp

My Rum is a Lilja 27" but shouldn't be too far off from your velocities. At 90.0 grains of Retumbo I was running the 215's at 3,048fps average. At 94.0 had a 3,189fps average (this is about where that infamous Retumbo pressure spike starts). I ended up going back to my good old H1000 because it was more consistent and can get about the same velocity with it. I settled on a 92.0 grains of H1000 which produces 3,140fps with an ES inside 10fps. Hope this helps
I allowed a buddy of mine to take my 30/338 lapua improved shooting 97grs of vv570 with 230 OTMs in fire forming loads on an axis deer hunt. They killed three axis deer from 100-450 yards with the bullets. No autopsies, no pics, but he said they were magic bullets. Velocities are at 3140 from a 28 inch kreiger. I kind of doubt it, but that load might be a little hot in some rifles even with that chambering because mine is throated very long as it is a single shot action.
Thus far I think the 230 OTM is an awesome bullet as far as accuracy is concerned.

I sold one of the rifles I chambered in that round to a buddy who smushed a couple does with it at short range using that bullet. He said it was impressive, but once again no pictures or autopsy. RBeloat owns that rifle, pretty sure he used to post here, maybe he will post some wound pics he showed me on his phone.
Eddybo, Good to hear from ya. I have missed your posts lately. I always enjoy them so keep em coming.

Your report on the 230's mirror ours. We have only used them so far in 300 wins at 2775 but they put down antelope , mule deer and about 4 elk so far on the spot. Recent work up in a 30-378 shows them to be very accurate in the Wby too and seem to fit the large case volume of it very well. I am getting the mind set this is an awesome bullet for long range hunting with a 30 cal.

Broz I do not know whether it is the 230s or the 30-338 lapua improved, but I have been very impressed. I shot a 10 shot sub inch group while working up to my max powder charge. I do not think I have ever seen a group with a .5gr powder differential between shots print like that. I was so impressed with the performance of this round/bullet combo I left my 338AM at home last year when I went to NM for cow elk. Unfortunately a winter storm greeted us and all of the elk had moved off the ranch we hunt for lower/greener pastures.
Both of the rifles I have used this bullet in shot well with the 210s, but they downright impressive with the 230s.
Took it all the way to 95 gr and no severe signs of pressure. The groups never got any better so I will work with 92.5 and mess with the OAL to hopefully get it at .5. From 92 up the groups were all 3 inches higher than the other groups so at least it should continue to print in the same area. Next range day I will shoot 300 yds and more if I have time. Its getting hot in southern AZ have to get out early. Thanks again to all the experienced long range shooters.
I know the last post on this thread was just about a year ago, but I figured I would drop a post on here to see where everyone was at with their loads. It seems like there were a lot of people who were in the middle of load development and I would love to hear how it is going (although we know how Jeff's load development went :))

I have been debating on loading up some 215's or 230's for my 300 RUM and any feedback would be great. One issue I think I'll have is that with my current magazine on my Rem 700, I can only get about 3.6 COL to fit in the magazine. Is that something a Wyatt's box would help/fix?

Looking forward to hearing how everyone has progressed from last year!
A page or so back I had reported on a load using the 230 hybrid and H1000 with my 300 RUM.

After a long wait RL-33 showed up! I knew that it would be perfect in a 300 RUM with the 230, just had to see how 33 would perform.

Using same OAL of 3.775" Worked up to 102 gr of powder. Accuracy was best with 100 gr. Velocity is now 2975 fps. This is with that 24" rem takeoff!

Took the rig to the Tucson Rifle Club for some shooting at the 500M rams. Comeups were exact based on the BC that Berger suggests. Took it elk hunting but ended up using my 7 1/4 lb 338 RCM in the woods.

There is your update.
Awesome, sounds like a great load. Is that just a single load at a time then at that COL? I am assuming that you can't fit that in a magazine right?
OAL fits and feeds from a Wyatt's mag box in a push feed model 70 just fine. Two fit into the magazine with one in the chamber.
I ran the 230 bergers out of a 28 Hart barrel at 3150 fps with RL25 pressure was fine. Very accurate went easily under 1/2 moa
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