230 Bergers and 300 RUM

I know it's off the subject but BROZ what is the 300 win load your using I have some of the 230's coming and was looking for a starting point .

It is a 28" Broughton barrel and the charge is 72 gr of H-1000 with a Fed 215 GM. This is in Lapua brass and should work in most other brass but I would start at 69 gr and work up. If you are using RWS brass I would start at 67 gr as you wil see more pressure from the lower case volume of the RWS. But probably end velocities will be in the 2775 range.

Just finished up a ladder test for the 230 Hybrids - ended at 87 gr of H1000:

1st shot was at 3066fps
2nd @ 3061
3rd @ 3067
4th @ 3066
5th @ 3067

I feel that I could go up a full grain, but why push it. The group was under 1/2" @ 100 yards. COAL is at 3.770 to fit the magazine box (Wyatt). I use IMR 7828 with the 210's, but it ran out of umph at 2900 fps with the 230's. Accuracy was great with 7828 also.
durak- i take it your shooting a 300rum. what rifle, twist and barrel length?
and im curious to know what powder charge you started with and all the specifics for your ladder test. i am getting ready to do my very first ladder test on my 300rum sendero shooting 230hybrid's as soon as i get the rifle back.

Just finished up a ladder test for the 230 Hybrids - ended at 87 gr of H1000:

1st shot was at 3066fps
2nd @ 3061
3rd @ 3067
4th @ 3066
5th @ 3067

I feel that I could go up a full grain, but why push it. The group was under 1/2" @ 100 yards. COAL is at 3.770 to fit the magazine box (Wyatt). I use IMR 7828 with the 210's, but it ran out of umph at 2900 fps with the 230's. Accuracy was great with 7828 also.

That's impressive velocity! Are you running a 30" barrel? At 87.5 grains of H1000 I was running 2980fps out of 27" but it was running too much pressure. It seemed to be in a scatter node at that charge too.
durak- i take it your shooting a 300rum. what rifle, twist and barrel length?
and im curious to know what powder charge you started with and all the specifics for your ladder test. i am getting ready to do my very first ladder test on my 300rum sendero shooting 230hybrid's as soon as i get the rifle back.


Roger...300 RUM

trued Remy
30" Shilen Select Match
1-10" twist

I started at 85.0 gr and worked up to 87.0 in .5 increments. Now, as I said before, 87 is where I decided to stop, I believe that it could take another 1-1.5 grains to max. I also just popped the spent primers to check the the pockets, and they were perfectly tight....

Remember, that every chamber is different as is every barrel - start where YOU feel safe, if that's 2 grains lower than I started then so be it....:D
That's impressive velocity! Are you running a 30" barrel? At 87.5 grains of H1000 I was running 2980fps out of 27" but it was running too much pressure. It seemed to be in a scatter node at that charge too.

To be honest I was hoping for 3150 - And with Retumbo I'd get there - the problem is that my rifle has never liked Retumbo, but it has never shot 230 Bergers either. After I shoot at 1750 tomorrow, I may push the H1000 out to max, check pressures and accurracy. Then on to Retumbo - I do hate to mess with a good thing, but......:rolleyes:
To be honest I was hoping for 3150 - And with Retumbo I'd get there - the problem is that my rifle has never liked Retumbo, but it has never shot 230 Bergers either. After I shoot at 1750 tomorrow, I may push the H1000 out to max, check pressures and accurracy. Then on to Retumbo - I do hate to mess with a good thing, but......:rolleyes:

Interestingly enough Retumbo was not some great velocity improver in my rifle, with about the same pressures the H1000 actually did better than Retumbo by about 40fps. It appears to be true with the 215 Hybrid as well. Maybe it will work in your rifle.
Interestingly enough Retumbo was not some great velocity improver in my rifle, with about the same pressures the H1000 actually did better than Retumbo by about 40fps. It appears to be true with the 215 Hybrid as well. Maybe it will work in your rifle.

I used Retumbo with the 210's - FPS was at 3400 with a VS of 100fps! Acurracy was bad and pressure signs were all over the place. H1000 was about 150 fps behind Retumbo, the VS was at around 50 fps. This is why I ended up going to IMR 7828 for the 210's.

After todays testing - the H1000 seems to be settling down with the 230 - so I'm thinking that Retumbo may also settle down - it's worth a try I guess.....
tumbleweed and Broz- do you guys do ladder testing when starting over with new bullet designs like this hybrid 230g. reason i ask is i will be gettin my rifle back this week and would like some help setting up for my first ladder test. i emailed berger for load info and looking at h1000 with the 230hybrid only they have a starting weight of 76.5g and a max of 84.8. if i set my set these 230's into the lands a couple thou and start at 76.5, should i work up in .5g increments, or .3g? all of my developement's will be in new nosler brass, federal mag 215's, berger 230 hybrids and h1000.

thank you kyle
tumbleweed and Broz- do you guys do ladder testing when starting over with new bullet designs like this hybrid 230g. reason i ask is i will be gettin my rifle back this week and would like some help setting up for my first ladder test. i emailed berger for load info and looking at h1000 with the 230hybrid only they have a starting weight of 76.5g and a max of 84.8. if i set my set these 230's into the lands a couple thou and start at 76.5, should i work up in .5g increments, or .3g? all of my developement's will be in new nosler brass, federal mag 215's, berger 230 hybrids and h1000.

thank you kyle

I would start with them .020" or .030" off the lands to avoid any pressure caused by them being seated on the lands at first. Then work up in 1/2 gr steps untill you see them group tight or level off in velocity even when you up the charge another 1/2 gr. Then fine tune seating depth with 200 or 300 yard groups. Once you get 1/2 moa for most groups take her out to a greater distance. Keeps track of drops and field conditions for you program info later. Don't waste any barrel life trying to shoot .2 moa groups at 100. This is my method anyway. It works for me.

tumbleweed and Broz- do you guys do ladder testing when starting over with new bullet designs like this hybrid 230g. reason i ask is i will be gettin my rifle back this week and would like some help setting up for my first ladder test. i emailed berger for load info and looking at h1000 with the 230hybrid only they have a starting weight of 76.5g and a max of 84.8. if i set my set these 230's into the lands a couple thou and start at 76.5, should i work up in .5g increments, or .3g? all of my developement's will be in new nosler brass, federal mag 215's, berger 230 hybrids and h1000.

thank you kyle

Broz has a great recommendation for you Kyle if you're after top accuracy and don't really care what velocity you end up with. I do it a little different because I want the combo to perform up to it's velocity potential and of coarse still have great accuracy. I load up 5 or 6 rounds of the bullet/powder/primer combo I want to use. I generally start at the mid range of the load data and load up several rounds in 1 grain increments up to max or slightly above. I set up at 100 yards with several dots on one target with each dot marked with the powder charge of the combo I will be shooting into that dot. I shoot through a chrono and keep track of everything. This gives you a rough idea of what velocity you'll be running with each powder charge, allows you to see where your pressure is and when to stop and also helps you to see some vertical accuracy nodes as well. You may not make it to max if it's too much pressure, but it may allow you to use less components finding your velocity goals and where too much pressure is located. At this point you can pick the combo you want, take it to 300 yards and then start shooting groups to fine tune your load. Only problem is, you may miss your best accuracy if its in the lower pressure ranges. I guess it just depends on what you are trying to acheive. If it's pure accuracy and you don't necessarily care about the velocity, Broz's method will work great.
obviously accuracy means more to me than velocity. i was gonna try and shoot 3-500yds with varying powder charges to find the node. just really didn't know if i should start at bergers minimum recomended powder charge of 76.5g and go up in half grain increments till i find the pressure signs and the node then refine to .2g increments to all in the node from there.
obviously this isn't the first rifle i have developed a load for but it is the first time that i will soley be searching for the long range accuracy (1000yds or better).
Never in my life did I ever think that when I started this tread, I would have all the top 300 guys on here sharing some of their secrets. Thank you so much guys for all your info. It is truly fantastic. I have thought long and hard and am going the 215 route. My RUM doesn't like anything but IMR so 7828ssc it is. What you do you guys think my "powder range" should be?

My 338 is my baby and I love shooting her. My 7 ultra is fun only cause it is a Sendero and its fast. After hearing you guys, I am afraid that I might fall in love with my 300 again. My wife is going to be upset:D
. I have thought long and hard and am going the 215 route.

I have 3 boxes of the 215 Berger's headed my way for testing as we speak. I just could not pass up the .696 BC and want to try them. I may even use them in a few competitions this summer if they prove better than my 210 load.

Jeff gun)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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