230 Bergers and 300 RUM

ya i read your posts on the otm's. Tumbleweed has some load info comparing to the 210 and 215 hybrids to these 230g hybrids on page 1 of this thread. hurry up and get some of these, you may be missing out. lol. that way you can give a comparison of the two.
Those are Hybrid Targets. I have not shot them so I can not contest to their performance on game. What we are shooting is the 230 OTM Tactical Hybrids.


Jeff, back in early December I was inquiring with Walt Berger about some jacket thickness questions I had as I wanted to know specific jacket info between the hybrid targets and say a regular hunting VLD. My intention from the beginning was to use the 230 Hybrid Targets as 1000+ yard elk bullets if their design would lend them to doing that well. Walt, nor anyone else at Berger would directly answer my question but here is what Walt told me in a response, this is a direct quote:
"Hi Jesse,
I am not in a position at this time to make any positive statements on the 230 grain Hybrid bullet for hunting but from what I have seen I would not hesitate use either the 230 Hybrid Tactical or the 230 Hybrid target for hunting. hope this helps a little bit."

This inspired confidence to go ahead and order a box and proceed with them as a hunting bullet in testing. If you recall I posted jacket thickness results and pictures in another thread on here and what I found with the 230 Hybrid Target is that it is virually the same thickness as my 210 hunting VLD, only .001" difference from averaged measurements. So, my point is you may think about trying the Target version of the 230 next season with the better B/C, or maybe even the 215.:D I think the 215 hybrid will outperfom (by quite a bit) the 230 in either version in the really big .30's. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!!:)
I didn't even know there were two different 230g Bergers. What is the difference beween the two?

The 230 Hybrid OTM was the original. From what I understand it was designed with the tactical/military 300 Win Mag in mind and has an ogive profile that will allow it to feed in most magazines while still having a great B/C. The G1 B/C is .711 and G7 B/C of .364. Part number 30110.
The 230 Hybrid Target was designed as the name suggests, a no holds barred fully maximized bullet for LR potential on targets. It has a G1 B/C of .743 and a G7 B/C of .380. Part number 30428. It won't fit in most magazines.
im kinda curious to what Broz get for velocity using 230otm's in a 300wm compared to tumbleweeds 230 hybrid in a 300 rum? gotta keep this topic going for my benefit.
The 215 Hybrids with the RUM will outrun the 230's pretty quickly. In a 28" barrel we are seeing 3150-3200fps with the 215's. They have a .7 BC, and are pretty impressive actually. The 230's have a higher BC, but they only seem to run around 3050fps and won't beat the performance of the 215's.
I am hoping to get to 3150 fps with my 30 inch barrel 300 RUM and Berger 230's . If not I am sure 3100 fps will do just fine . I also have a box of the 215's so we'll see which is more accurate.
I was wondering the same thing. Have not had a chance to test these yet and would like these points clarified before I buy a box of 230s or 215s for the RUM.

I have not shot the 215's yet either. But our comparisons between the 210's and the 230's in the same rifle showed the 230's were faster and with more energy right at the 1000 yard mark @ 4000'

At 1500yds, the 215 has less elevation by about 1.25moa, and the same drift as the 230 Hybrid (.743 BC version). Out to 1k, it still carries the same 1moa advantage in elevation with roughly the same drift. The 230 OTM has a .711bc, so it would have even more of a difference than the .743bc 230 Hybrid comparison.

The only ones that I have tested are the 215 Hybrid (.696 BC) and the 230 Hybrid (.743 BC). I have not shot any of the 230 Tacticals, so I cannot reference those. Both have been shot out to 1500yds and the 215 does definitely use less elevation and the same drift. I couldn't get the 230's up over 3050 in a 28" barrel without hitting pressure. The 215's were not an issue at all to get up in the 3175 range in the same 28" barrel. Both are great bullets for the RUM, but I think the 215 is a little better balance. It hits almost as hard, but has less elevation with the same windage.
At 1500yds, the 215 has less elevation by about 1.25moa, and the same drift as the 230 Hybrid (.743 BC version). Out to 1k,.

Travis, did you mean 1500 or 500 in the first of your post?

Thanks for sharing your results. I need to try some 215's in my 300 win.

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