I somewhat get that people don't want too lug around an excessively long hunting rifle with a suppressor attached. Either you mortar at long range, use lighter weight bullets for higher velocity or use a long action and don't get the full use of that cartridge potential? A 4" suppressor doesn't equal to 4 extra inches of barrel length. Most of you know what you are getting into before you get where you're going and therefore you carry what works for you. A short mag barrel length from 18-22" + a suppressor to me is a great option. Having a long mag with a barrel length from 22" (less than a 30cal) - 26" for a 30cal and up to get the best performance out of that cartridge can get a bit long with a 4"+ suppressor. For a 308win a 180gr is as heavy as I go even with a 26" barrel. For my other 30cal (300wm) 210-215 on my 24 & 26" barrels and the 30" I'll use up to 240gr. There are just preferences due to minimum velocity of 2,700 and long or extended range.