Boots from certain individuals

Like I said
I was a Kennetrek fan for 20 years+.
I wore out a pair of soles each year. So I started having them resoled. I had 2 pairs of the mountain extremes. I would rotate through a pair every other year. Send a pair in to get resoled each winter after guide and hunting season was done. I would take both pairs to Alaska with me for the guide season so I had backups if needed.
Well this last fall they both failed. Both soles on both pairs of boots came unglued. This allowed water to fill the boots. My feet then got frostbite as a result. It was absolute misery. Took 5 months to get my toes to regenerate feeling in them.
When I got back to civilization I contacted Kennetrek about the boots failing. They responded by saying all the resole jobs were not guaranteed in anyway so "too bad" and sorry it happened. Not how a company should work in my opinion.
Sheep feet experience was last summer. I bought a pair. Wore them for a week I'm my boots to break them in and make sure there wasn't a problem. I had a couple minor issues with my right foot bunching the sock under my toes but I chalked that up to the bunion on that foot. I take a shakedown hike/overnighter each July before I head to Alaska for the guiding season that starts in August for me.
Those insoles bruised my heels so badly that I went to the doc and had them looked at. Deep bruising in the heels was painful. And 2 weeks before guide season started.
Put the super feet insoles back in my boots and endured the pain which then became secondary to the frostbite that occurred. Contacted sheep feet and they refunded me my money. Good on them. For me I need some sort of pad to absorb the shock in my heels.
So 2 pairs of boots and 1pair of insoles in the garbage.
Now I am basically starting over with my feet. Frostbite is a wait and see if all the damage will heal. Could take 2 years or longer. It may never heal. Not much the doctor can do for it. I got the bunion taken care of finally (6 years was too long to wait). That was one of the benefits of this process for now.
Brother, this is just a suggestion but you might want to look into hyperbaric chamber treatment. I have a couple of friends that have had a series of these treatments to promote healing of slow healing wounds after surgery and it has helped beyond expectations. . I just scheduled myself for some treatments to help recover from knee surgery. Haven't had the first yet. Everything I read on it is very positive. The whole process is based on an oxygen rich environment under pressure. Good luck Pal.
I've been using Salomon hikers for years...
Beats the heck out of a seriously stiff boot for my purposes....
I went one size larger then I normally wear....I do not remove the original insole but I add a second DrScholls to build up cushion...
My goto leaky gortex salomons still have plenty of strength as 3/4 tops...strapped snug...many miles.....lightweight....treads still good.....
But..thats me and my feet....
Yours..looks like
I've been using Salomon hikers for years...
Beats the heck out of a seriously stiff boot for my purposes....
I went one size larger then I normally wear....I do not remove the original insole but I add a second DrScholls to build up cushion...
My goto leaky gortex salomons still have plenty of strength as 3/4 tops...strapped snug...many miles.....lightweight....treads still good.....
But..thats me and my feet....
Yours..looks like
Salomon's are comfortable but the waterproofing sucks. Pair I had leaked in 3 days of use breaking them in. Seems to be a common problem with people I've talked with
I've been using Salomon hikers for years...
Beats the heck out of a seriously stiff boot for my purposes....
I went one size larger then I normally wear....I do not remove the original insole but I add a second DrScholls to build up cushion...
My goto leaky gortex salomons still have plenty of strength as 3/4 tops...strapped snug...many miles.....lightweight....treads still good.....
But..thats me and my feet....
Yours..looks like
I also ditched the heavy stiff boot just this year. Ran the Schnee granites for years and remember the months of torture of breaking them in. Bought the Salomon quests put super feet in them and feet have never felt better and run Gore-Tex socks when in wet conditions
I also ditched the heavy stiff boot just this year. Ran the Schnee granites for years and remember the months of torture of breaking them in. Bought the Salomon quests put super feet in them and feet have never felt better and run Gore-Tex socks when in wet conditions
Not an option for me with multiple creek/river crossings each day
Like I said
I was a Kennetrek fan for 20 years+.
I wore out a pair of soles each year. So I started having them resoled. I had 2 pairs of the mountain extremes. I would rotate through a pair every other year. Send a pair in to get resoled each winter after guide and hunting season was done. I would take both pairs to Alaska with me for the guide season so I had backups if needed.
Well this last fall they both failed. Both soles on both pairs of boots came unglued. This allowed water to fill the boots. My feet then got frostbite as a result. It was absolute misery. Took 5 months to get my toes to regenerate feeling in them.
When I got back to civilization I contacted Kennetrek about the boots failing. They responded by saying all the resole jobs were not guaranteed in anyway so "too bad" and sorry it happened. Not how a company should work in my opinion.
Sheep feet experience was last summer. I bought a pair. Wore them for a week I'm my boots to break them in and make sure there wasn't a problem. I had a couple minor issues with my right foot bunching the sock under my toes but I chalked that up to the bunion on that foot. I take a shakedown hike/overnighter each July before I head to Alaska for the guiding season that starts in August for me.
Those insoles bruised my heels so badly that I went to the doc and had them looked at. Deep bruising in the heels was painful. And 2 weeks before guide season started.
Put the super feet insoles back in my boots and endured the pain which then became secondary to the frostbite that occurred. Contacted sheep feet and they refunded me my money. Good on them. For me I need some sort of pad to absorb the shock in my heels.
So 2 pairs of boots and 1pair of insoles in the garbage.
Now I am basically starting over with my feet. Frostbite is a wait and see if all the damage will heal. Could take 2 years or longer. It may never heal. Not much the doctor can do for it. I got the bunion taken care of finally (6 years was too long to wait). That was one of the benefits of this process for now.
Dang, wearing out a set of Kenetrek souls a year is alotta rough walking, How may times did you re-sole those boots before they failed? Sounds like maybe those boots gave their all and then some. Hard to be ****ed at the breeder cause your horse died of old age no matter how many times you had to shoe him. If you liked your Mountain Extremes, good luck finding a boot you will like as well or that will last as long under the same conditions. Boots are a consumable and feet are important. Now you know, re-sole em once and replace. Take a look at the Mountain Guide. A little heavier than the Extremes, but they do stand up to rock and scree noticeably better.
Dang, wearing out a set of Kenetrek souls a year is alotta rough walking, How may times did you re-sole those boots before they failed? Sounds like maybe those boots gave their all and then some. Hard to be ****ed at the breeder cause your horse died of old age no matter how many times you had to shoe him. If you liked your Mountain Extremes, good luck finding a boot you will like as well or that will last as long under the same conditions. Boots are a consumable and feet are important. Now you know, re-sole em once and replace. Take a look at the Mountain Guide. A little heavier than the Extremes, but they do stand up to rock and scree noticeably better.
Well this may be true as they had 3-4 times resole and I understood the that they were reaching the end on the uppers. The uppers did not fail.
The soles failed. They detached at the heels. All 4 boots!! In 1 week!!
Obviously a change in the process at their end caused this.
The way they responded to my issue showed me the core company workings. Seems to be a common issue with a lot of companies nowadays.
I was looking at the mountain guide boot before I left for Alaska as I knew these boots were at the end of their usable life. But I'm soured by the lack of support from them.
Also to note NOWHERE does it state that resole repairs are not warranted or guaranteed in or on the page for boot repair on the website. Which also could mean there is no warranty but that would be better if it was upfront and not open to a customer to take it as an implied warranty.
I'm learning a lot about boots again now. I went for 10 years without having to pay attention to that now I start again. Plus with a few twists with my feet and the changes they went through in 1 year.
Well this may be true as they had 3-4 times resole and I understood the that they were reaching the end on the uppers. The uppers did not fail.
The soles failed. They detached at the heels. All 4 boots!! In 1 week!!
Obviously a change in the process at their end caused this.
The way they responded to my issue showed me the core company workings. Seems to be a common issue with a lot of companies nowadays.
I was looking at the mountain guide boot before I left for Alaska as I knew these boots were at the end of their usable life. But I'm soured by the lack of support from them.
Also to note NOWHERE does it state that resole repairs are not warranted or guaranteed in or on the page for boot repair on the website. Which also could mean there is no warranty but that would be better if it was upfront and not open to a customer to take it as an implied warranty.
I'm learning a lot about boots again now. I went for 10 years without having to pay attention to that now I start again. Plus with a few twists with my feet and the changes they went through in 1 year.
I wish you the best of luck. It can be so hard to find perfect boots and uncomfortable feet can suck the enjoyment out of anything.
Salomon's are comfortable but the waterproofing sucks. Pair I had leaked in 3 days of use breaking them in. Seems to be a common problem with people I've talked with
I've 3 pairs of Salomon gortex hikers...I have worn thru some of the gortex lining so yes it leaks....that is my 'original pair'..i think they are 10 years old.....
if it's dry outside I use them....I sweat more than I find dew in the hills....
As for a pair that leak from the start....not any I've had......only leak I have found is down the socks into the then I'm usually completely soaked.....

'I stand on my Salomons'......