243 vs 6 creedmoor……I’ll grab my popcorn


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2022
Looking to build or buy a light recoiling 6mm to keep in the truck for summer mountain trips to shoot jack rabbits and steel. And probably black tail deer just to give it a go. 243 obviously has a solid amount of factory ammo if needed (but I mostly reload) and 6 creed is definitely becoming more popular in stores. I'll be running 100-110 grain bullets for this setup and curious to hear peoples experiences. And if anyone is running the factory tikka with a 1-8 twist 243 I'd love to get some feedback on the rifle
I have 2 243s and 1 6mm Creedmoor. I shoot 100gr bullets in both, and in my experience, they both work extremely well for what I use them for. Neither is a Tikka, so I can't comment on that, and you didn't ask any other specific question.
Build? No difference. Put a fast twist barrel and get a .243 reamer with the right FB, and it SHOULD slightly outrun a 6CM.

Buy? 6CM for the faster twist factory barrel and correct FB. Even though ammo is not as prevalent as .243 Win, they are usually in the heavier offerings of 100+ bullets and higher quality.
Performance wise, toss a coin. They'll be nearly identical. Personally, I think the 6 creed case looks better so on that alone I chose 6 creed 😅 life is too short to shoot ugly cartridges!

As Lance said, if you build it doesn't matter. Just make sure the 243 has the correct free bore. If you buy 6 creed is the obvious winner.
I have a good supply of 243 brass so I fast twist 243 Win makes sense to me. Starting from scratch I'd go with a 6mm CM (I just threw up a little). SRP brass gives an advantage to the 6mm CM. I could form 243 win SRP brass, but it's an extra step and creates a possible dreaded donut situation.
when I was looking at 6s a few years ago during one of the crunches, I made the decision to go creedmoor. Small and large primer brass and you could generally find factory ammo. I don't push mine to the limits. I only run a 115 at 2840 from a 22" barrel.
Build? No difference. Put a fast twist barrel and get a .243 reamer with the right FB, and it SHOULD slightly outrun a 6CM.

Buy? 6CM for the faster twist factory barrel and correct FB. Even though ammo is not as prevalent as .243 Win, they are usually in the heavier offerings of 100+ bullets and higher quality.
I was going to say tomato tomatoe but Lance said it better :)