What is the rifle you passed by that you regret not buying

Back in 1973i was at grices gun shop to buy a 270 remington 700 bdl for my sons first deer rifle. When i walked into GRICES at the back wall at least 100 feet away hanging on the wall was the most beautiful rifle i ever saw . Do not know the caliber or make. KNOWINGICOULD NOT AFFORD BUYING IT , TURNED MY BACK BOUGHT THE REMINGTON AND AMMO AND WALKED OUT WITHOUT LOOKING BACK . TOo this day 60 years later i wish i could have bought it.
Back in 1973i was at grices gun shop to buy a 270 remington 700 bdl for my sons first deer rifle. When i walked into GRICES at the back wall at least 100 feet away hanging on the wall was the most beautiful rifle i ever saw . Do not know the caliber or make. KNOWINGICOULD NOT AFFORD BUYING IT , TURNED MY BACK BOUGHT THE REMINGTON AND AMMO AND WALKED OUT WITHOUT LOOKING BACK . TOo this day 60 years later i wish i could have bought it.
life lesson. always check it out. if not now , maybe down the line. I learned the hard way too
That 329 I could’ve got was exactly like you guys said.
The box of shells that was selling with it had 2 empty cases.
Guy told me he just had to have a lightweight .44 magnum.
After firing 2 rounds he said nope I don’t need it that much.
While I was still working as a paramedic on a 24-48 schedule I worked my off days at a small gun/archery store. Guy was selling out and moving to another state. He offered me several rifles he had at cost so he didn't have to move them. One was a Dakota mod 10 in 25-06. This was about twenty five years ago, but at $1150.00 I should have grabbed it up. Go ahead and say it. I'm stupid. Have a big L on my forehead. I did get a stainless Sako 75 in 7mm mag though.
While I was still working as a paramedic on a 24-48 schedule I worked my off days at a small gun/archery store. Guy was selling out and moving to another state. He offered me several rifles he had at cost so he didn't have to move them. One was a Dakota mod 10 in 25-06. This was about twenty five years ago, but at $1150.00 I should have grabbed it up. Go ahead and say it. I'm stupid. Have a big L on my forehead. I did get a stainless Sako 75 in 7mm mag though.
There is another "rifle", well not quite, I wish I had purchased back in 1985, and it is the full-auto American Arms American-180 22LR. My brother worked with an older gentleman who had one and was wishing to sell it to purchase a new hunting rifle, so on a Sunday afternoon, we drove to his house to do a test fire and evaluate. While not in the same category as a desirable hunting rifle nor shotgun, it was an incredible fun gun to shoot. Though loading the drum with all those 22LR's was a bit of a pain, it could empty that drum in a mere 6 seconds - If it didn't jam, which, on rare occasions, that one did.

After some discussion, I decided against the purchase, but a few days later, I contacted my brother to inform the gentleman I had changed my mind and would be there that weekend with cash. Unfortunately, it gave the seller time to also "think", and he decided to keep the 180.

Today, that $500 + $200 tax firearm is worth several thousands.
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