Can I do better than this combo?


Jun 7, 2008
After finding out the big boomers are just not for me, and not really having too many spots to shoot past 650 yards in hunting areas. I have decided to look for a better set up.

I have came to the conclusion that a 7mm SAUM shooting the 160 Accubond might be the best combo for me? Deer, Antelope, Moose, and Elk are on the menu and most shots happen in the 250-400 range but can be out to 600. Is there a better combo of cartridge and bullet I should look at?

You should be fine. Maybe with elk and moose the 300 wsm might be better, but there will be more more recoil. I use a 7mm mag on deer out to 630 so far with no problems, the 7 SAUM is not far behind.

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Sounds good to me, 7mm is a great all around cartridge. As far as elk goes they are tough animals but the 7mm can handle them just fine with good shot placement just like anything.
+1 sounds good to me too,i don't think you can go wrong, mild enough recoil that you wont need a brake which also means no big ear muffs i am building a 6.5-284 for the same reasons.
You could even look at the 270 WSM. It will drive a 140gr bullet at 3200 with ease. That will give you 2050 fps and 1300 ft/lbs at 800 yards. Some will debate the effectiveness of the 270 on elk but lots and lots of them are taken with the little old 243 and the slow as molasses 30-30. In the end all that counts are enough energy to cause dynamic shock and good enough shot placement to hit something vital.
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