Your favorite cartridge based off .30-06?

Great! I agree. We are building my wife a 338/06. I hope it shoots the same load. If not I have a lot of 210 TSX or 210 Partitions to try also. My rifle does everything I need out to 500 yards which is the limit of bullet opening anyway. I like to keep under 400 though. The old 06 lives on through offsprin.
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I've got a pretty wide range and I like them all for different things.

I have a 25-06, 270, 280AI, 338-06 and 35 Whelen. I've taken deer with all but the 338-06, which is getting ready for its maiden voyage shortly. All have performed well. I'm not a fan of getting the Bejesus beat out of me by magnums so I sort of enjoy the family. My Whelen is a No.1 and I don't find its recoil offensive. The 270 was my first, and I've killed more game with that than all other rifles combined.

One thing I don't have - a 30-06. My 30-06 experience is close to zero. Bought one to rebore, shot a few rounds (20 or 30) out of it as a 30-06, then never did anything with it.
Outgrew the 30'06 short legs back in '88 when I got my first 300 Win Mag, then an 8mm Rem Mag .... sold the '06 to a friend & never looked back for many years ... picked up a used 30'06 beater Rem700 Sportsman, the plain Jane model ... dirt cheap for use as an action donor but haven't done anything on it yet, nor have I fired the '06, lol ! have a Rem 700 BDL in 308 Win that I shoot regularly to stay sharp

gotta say I killed a bunch of stuff in Alaska with one though, growing up off grid in an '06 family where everyone had their personal 30'06 rifle, had 6 of them in the house, lotsa great hunting memories with the '06, killed boatloads (limit was 7 per person) of Sitka blacktail deer on Kodiak Is. & on the Prince William Sound group of islands, bunch of billy goats & moose, black bear & wolves.. a few "no shooting" and "no parking" signs and even a couple brownies

maybe I'll pick one up to hunt with again someday .. who knows ?

friend of mine is a big 375 Whelen & AI nut, has both along with a 9.3 Gibbs that he uses at his brown bear bait hunting stands with total dominance over them overgrown rats

kinda like the looks of the 9.3 Gibbs, and I don't have anything in 9.3 yet... well huh ? I do have two 5 gal buckets full of mixed once fired 30'06 brass collected over the years, our stuff and range/gravel pit stuff

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I don't have a single favorite. I have a .280 Rem and a 6.5-06. Both are great, accurate rifles. I have shot 25-06's, 270's, and 30-06's over the years. If I were to own only one rifle, it would be the .280 Rem.
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