Young Antelope did not suffer!!!

HeHe! I know a little bit about that long practice and short range hunting. Last elk hunt practiced all summer out to 800 yards. Shot my bull at 60 yards. Oh well long or short hunting is hunting its all good.:)


Also proves that if you can hit things at 700 yards you should not have a problem at 60 yards... What a consolation!!! :D
I say this just shows how good of a hunter you are. If your able to get that close and get a shot. :D Also i belive it is better to be prepared and not need it than need it and not be prepared. (talking about the ability to shoot long range)
I have a 22-250 barrel that 308nate hand lapped. We could have put that one on if you were just going to shoot them that close.:rolleyes:

Good thing I like you.:D
I have a 22-250 barrel that 308nate hand lapped. We could have put that one on if you were just going to shoot them that close.:rolleyes:

Good thing I like you.:D

I think I know what you mean... :rolleyes:
All that work you put into building me a long range rig
just so that it'd be used at 138 yards... :rolleyes:

I should've placed my knife between my son's teeth and have him crawl in and do him with the teeth... I mean the knife. lightbulb :D

Wait! That's not legal. Is it?
Very well done. It's always excellent to see a father/son team spend time together. :)

Although, I have to say, 300 grains seems a bit marginal and maybe too light for a quick, humane kill on an antelope. Didn't you have a .458, or something a bit more appropriate, available? ;) gun) :D
Very well done. It's always excellent to see a father/son team spend time together. :)

Although, I have to say, 300 grains seems a bit marginal and maybe too light for a quick, humane kill on an antelope. Didn't you have a .458, or something a bit more appropriate, available? ;) gun) :D

Two years ago, my youngest got his antelope, he shot him with the 300 RUM using 210 Bergers at 350 yards; the exit crater completely destroyed the whole front leg. I could not even use it for dog meat. A total waste in my opinion. I'm very happy with the results of the 338 Edge and SMK, and I :D would have to believe that the.458 would probably leave something more edible... :D
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