Wyoming questions

I think you would do well being able to confidently shoot to 500 but can definitely stalk a lot closer. Last year my shot was at 119 in pretty open country except one small hill, year before 427 in good stalking county.
I'm not saying one should shoot antelope at 600 + yards but I do believe practice at distance improves your odds at reasonable hunting distance. I believe a hundred rounds or so at 600 plus means a dicent 3-400 yard shot on game.

I play a lot at distance, this is an 18 in wide target at 684 yards with my 6.5 CM (130 gr Sierra Game changer) the first (left) shot was my poor wind call, the next 4 were a bit less then 4 inches.

IME, there are 100-300yd opportunities, but Antelope will gather up and wait if spooked by you at 600-800 yd. If you can hit at that distance, there are many more shots available.

yes, you can get within feet, but they tend to run if you breath!
Every gun is different, but my 6.5 using that bullet at my location, using the current environment, calls for a FV 10 mph correction of 1.5 moa or 4.8 inch correction at 300 yards.
Mine was 250 yards... We were at 400+, but on opening weekend, they are skittish yet. So we moved in quickly .
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