2012 Wyoming antelope questions

There are around 500,000 Antelope in the state at any one time, thats about 100,000 more than residents. Its hard to find an area that doesnt have goats in it. Look at the Wyoming Game and Fish web sight or call the department and ask for sugestions they will have the info you are looking for. Or better yet if you know someone out here give them a call make it easy on your self.

If you just want meat and have never been to Wyoming before, then buy some doe antelope licenses for your first hunt and buy a PP this summer to start working on a buck hunt. The reason I say that is because the buck tags are close to $300 and you can buy a bunch of leftover doe tags for half that price. You don't get much meat from an antelope either, so if you're going all the way out there from Indiana IMO one antelope ain't gonna hack it with the price of gas, etc.
Yep. My daughter and I popped 3 in 2010, I shot 2 this year and ate one tag. I think next year I'm going to fill the truck up with them.
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